Student Mission Statements

The 2024-2025 grant cycle will open on November 15. Please subscribe to our email list to receive updates and reminders about the grant cycle.

MISSION STATEMENT 1: The Leadership students of Alliance at Meek know many youth and teens are struggling with drug and alcohol misuse and addiction, often as a way of coping with trauma and other challenges. Because we believe youth deserve access to safe spaces, treatment, support, and alternatives to help them live safely and joyfully, we will be granting money to nonprofit organizations in the greater Portland Metro Area that provide mental health services, drug and alcohol addiction support, and ongoing support, including recreation, arts, and creative activities for youth, especially those who work closely with schools to break down barriers to access for young people and their families. Through this giving, we would like to see an increased number of young people who have access to support for substance abuse as well as to ongoing care, and a decreased number of young people who struggle with substance abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 4: Benson Polytechnic High School’s 2nd Period Leadership Class is deeply committed to addressing the pressing mental health crisis in Portland. We believe struggles pertaining to mental health are universal. These struggles may be amplified for members of our community experiencing addiction. As Portlanders, we witness the impact of these crises on a daily basis. Our approach to address these issues is rooted in compassion, where comprehensive strategies for rehabilitation and harm reduction are utilized. As such, we wish to focus on nonprofits who work to address addiction and mental health as the interlinked crises that they are. In addition to comprehensive harm reduction services, we want to provide support to nonprofits who work to provide mental health resources.

MISSION STATEMENT 5: The 5th Period Leadership students at Benson Polytechnic High School will be granting money to organizations providing housing and addiction support for those struggling with homelessness in the Multnomah County/Portland Metro Area. We believe housing and addiction support often go hand-in-hand and these issues tend to be dealt with by masking instead of solving the matter at hand. We will focus on organizations that provide housing and rehabilitation services for those who are struggling with addiction. We would like to see a decrease in both the number of people experiencing homelessness and the amount of substance abuse in our community. We would also like to see people affected by homelessness and addiction given greater opportunities to support themselves after gaining housing and sobriety.

MISSION STATEMENT 11: We the 6th Period Leadership students at Cleveland High School are deeply impacted by the suffering the greater Portland Metro Area community is experiencing due to substance abuse. We have seen the drug crisis and the pain our peers experience firsthand. As Leadership students, we are dedicated to supporting young adults struggling with addiction; prioritizing fentanyl. We are committed to ensuring that members of our community get the help and support they need.

MISSION STATEMENT 13: The CommuniCare students from Building Consent Culture at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations providing assistance to survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Multnomah County. We would like to see organizations that help survivors, who are also thinking upstream, and have found ways to try and prevent the violence from occurring in the first place. We will focus on organizations that specifically provide resources to youth, LGBTQIA+, POC, and those who have experienced addiction.

MISSION STATEMENT 18: The McRhamigan Action Squad from Creekside Community High School will be granting money to organizations in Washington County and Multnomah County that serve at-risk youth, prioritizing housing support services, especially in scenarios involving mental health issues, addiction, and drug abuse. We believe housing is a necessity in order for youth to thrive. Stable housing provides a safe, secure base from which youth can engage with addiction and mental health support services. We will focus on organizations that provide the foundations of housing, specifically for historically marginalized youth. We would like to see at-risk youth set up on a pathway to success through improvement in their well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 20: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Mack’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School will be granting money to organizations providing services for those on the verge of houselessness. We believe there is a need of support for those soon to be houseless, with an emphasis on people struggling with addiction and mental health issues in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that provide therapy, counseling, and peer mentorship. Our goal is to see the rate of houselessness decrease and continue to be sustained over time throughout the Portland Metro Area.

MISSION STATEMENT 28: The CommuniCare students in the National Honors Society Chapter at Gresham High School will be granting money to organizations dedicated to providing services for children in the foster care system in Oregon. We believe in supporting the disadvantaged youth in our community and want to see the impact we will make as a chapter with our grants. We will focus on organizations that plan on helping with parent rehabilitation (mental health services involving parents, drug rehabilitation, or services involving parent contact), mental health services for youth, and supporting the educational needs of foster youth. We would like to see the children in our foster care system have access to equitable opportunities along with support as they go through their adolescence.

MISSION STATEMENT 32: The CommuniCare students, a part of Jefferson High School’s Black Student Union, will be granting money to organizations that provide services and support to BIPOC youth struggling with substance misuse in the Portland Metropolitan Area. BIPOC are more susceptible to addiction and less likely to receive services. We would like to support organizations with an aligned vision of substance abuse prevention and who offer intervention for the affected community. As students, we recognize the struggles youth face regarding substance abuse, and we seek to minimize that struggle and offer support to those who are impacted by the issue. We will focus on organizations that help prevent and support BIPOC dealing with substance use and work to heal the negative effects on communities. We would like to see organizations focusing on tangible steps toward addressing this issue.

MISSION STATEMENT 34: The CommuniCare Club at La Salle Prep will be granting money to organizations that provide services to people facing addictions in the Portland Metro Area and Clackamas County. We believe there is much to be understood about such a misunderstood topic, especially today in Portland as we try to decriminalize the use of hard drugs, but with little success helping people into rehabilitation services. We hope to understand the root causes of addiction and bring humanization to the topic. We recognize the complicated nuances to the fentanyl crisis and hope to learn more about the risk so we can bring prevention tactics to our La Salle community.

MISSION STATEMENT 37: The CommuniCare students in Ms. Hindman’s 3rd Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to nonprofit organizations specializing in addiction support services for people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We want to help people get out of homelessness, focusing on drug use and addiction as a main cause of instability. We will focus on nonprofits whose goal is to help homeless people get back on their feet. We are doing this because we want a safer environment for everyone in the Portland Metro Area, to help homeless numbers and addiction stats decrease, and to grow city engagement.

MISSION STATEMENT 40: Lincoln High School students in Mr. Peerenboom’s 8th Period FLI Class have expressed much concern about people experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County, especially people who are seeking shelter around high traffic areas and other unsafe locations. Our funds will be dedicated to programs that aid homeless families with children by providing them with appropriate shelter, food, and safety. Organizations that set up the homeless community for long-lasting financial stability will be prioritized, as will organizations that offer people struggling with addiction a pathway to rehabilitation and stability. We believe everyone has the right to security and asylum.

MISSION STATEMENT 41: The 9th grade AVID students at Lincoln High School care deeply about the houseless crisis here in Portland and recognize that addiction is a large contributor. Every family should have access to resources to support their journey in fighting addiction and getting on their feet. We believe all families deserve a second chance. We will focus on organizations that prioritize families struggling with addiction who are experiencing houselessness. We would like to see more people getting treatment for addiction and helping their families. It may be too late to start over, but it’s never too late to change your ending.

MISSION STATEMENT 42: The Freshman Leadership and Inquiry students of Profe Marisol Kreuzer’s 6th Period Class at Lincoln High School are looking to grant money to nonprofit organizations that provide addiction support for young adults experiencing houselessness in downtown Portland. Due to our school being in the Portland Metro Area (downtown), we consistently see the neglect of those in need. Supporting less fortunate people in our community is important to us because we believe no one deserves to be living on the streets. As such, we will be prioritizing organizations that provide services to houseless youth struggling with addiction. We hope to one day be able to walk through a downtown Portland where all young adults are housed and are receiving the services they need, which will result in our city being a place where houselessness coupled with addiction is no longer a part of our reality.

MISSION STATEMENT 44: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Klein-Wolf’s 7th Period Class will be granting money to organizations working to help houseless people in the Portland Metro Area through the transition period between emergency and permanent housing. All people deserve access to a safe place to live and opportunities to build fulfilling lives. We will focus on organizations that highlight helping those with addiction problems, youth, and elders who struggle to obtain the essentials they need to live. We believe the houselessness dilemma in Portland affects everyone and those facing houselessness can be silently suffering much closer to us than we realize.

MISSION STATEMENT 46: The CommuniCare students of Mrs. Mahony’s Period 7 FLI Class are deeply concerned with the homelessness crisis in Portland, Oregon. We will be granting money to organizations that provide housing and addiction services to people of all ages who are experiencing homelessness. We will specifically be focusing on the Portland Metro Area, where we see a large homeless population. Everyone deserves shelter and a second chance.

MISSION STATEMENT 53: The CommuniCare students at Northwest Academy will be granting money to organizations supporting queer and trans individuals struggling with houselessness and addiction in the Portland Metro Area. We believe queer and trans houseless people face great burdens due to the intersection of their persecuted identities, and that they deserve greater support than is currently available to them. We will focus on organizations that provide shelter, basic necessities, medical care, and mental health resources to queer and trans houseless individuals, as well as those that provide counseling to LGBTQ+ people struggling with addiction. We would like to see a greater number of queer and trans individuals able to find shelter off of the streets and meet their basic needs, while also being given the opportunity to receive active mental health and addiction counseling.

MISSION STATEMENT 70: The CommuniCare Club at Ida B. Wells High School is focusing on improving mental health in the City of Portland. We’re specifically focusing on mental health surrounding addiction and struggles that are present in LGBTQ+ communities. Mental health has been a prevalent topic in our community for a while now and we’d like to see people prioritize their mental health as well as reduce the stigma that surrounds it. Our funds will be put towards nonprofits who offer accessible mental health support services that include education, support programs, and healthy activities. With the money we raise, we hope to see a healthier community with a better understanding of mental health. We believe everybody should take care of themselves and that knowing how to care for their mental health is extremely important for our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 74: We, the students of AVID 10 Period 2 at Grant High School, will be granting money to organizations battling teen substance abuse and addiction, and through those services, houselessness. We acknowledge that addiction is one of the main causes of houselessness in the Portland Metro Area and we believe all people deserve the right to shelter and safety. We believe addiction is a problem starting young, and that helping youth with addiction treatment will help them become supported and stable when they grow up. We will focus on organizations that specialize in youth treatment and rehabilitation. We hope to positively impact the lives of teens suffering from addiction and give them a safer, brighter future.

MISSION STATEMENT 10: The CommuniCare Chapter here at Clackamas High School is committed to supporting immigrant communities within the Portland Metro Area. Our goal is to help migrant families overcome food insecurities, gain access to educational opportunities, and improve their overall quality of life. We hope our work will ease the strain on this valuable cornerstone of our community. Together we thrive.

MISSION STATEMENT 19: We, the Student Council of David Douglas High School, in collaboration with CommuniCare, will be granting money to organizations that provide food and nutrition access to youth and families in the East Portland area. As Portland undergoes an intense food desert, there exists a noticeable lack of accessible and nutritious food – a most basic human right. To approach the issue, we strongly feel more longstanding solutions need to be put in place. We will focus on organizations that not only provide fresh foods but specialize in sustainable programs that fulfill families’ needs, such as cooking classes and food planning. By providing easy and affordable access to food, we aim for youth and families to be nutritionally sound, healthy, and overall set up for success.

MISSION STATEMENT 25: The Maroon Chapter of the Student Store Management & Philanthropy group at Franklin High School will be granting money to organizations focusing on providing nutrition access and education to the people living in the Multnomah County area who are struggling with food insecurity. We know food is a necessity to live, and making sure everyone can access proper nourishment is very important to us. We would like to see our community well fed with nutritious food and equipped with the knowledge to continue accessing these resources. Our ultimate goal is to see hunger rates drop within our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 35: The CommuniCare Club at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that provide help to children who are survivors of child abuse. We wish to grant money to organizations located in Oregon, specifically organizations located in Portland and Southern Oregon. We believe children who are survivors of child abuse need to be supported in every way possible in order for them to find their footing again. Our focus will be towards organizations that support survivors of abuse after they have been removed from abusive households and help educate community members on how to recognize abuse and support those facing abuse. The outcome we would like to see is a more educated community when recognizing signs of abuse, as well as improved services for survivors of abuse in Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 51: The Business Management students of McDaniel High School are deeply concerned about the lack of financial support for low-income students, specifically in North or Northeast Portland. This is important because many of us have seen or experienced missed opportunities due to lack of funds and we don’t want any member of our community to be left out. We will focus on helping nonprofits in our community that provide scholarships and seek to connect students of any age to activities that are both educational and extracurricular, including, but not limited to sports, academic trips, tutoring, college or other post-high school scholarships, or opportunities for the elderly. We want to empower people of all backgrounds to experience their dreams without the fear of financial burdens.

MISSION STATEMENT 52: The Nixyàawii CommuniCare Chapter will work alongside nonprofit organizations to alleviate the negative circumstances faced by our houseless neighbors in Eastern Oregon. This issue deeply impacts all of us as Oregonians and by addressing it we can all take part in improving lives throughout our shared communities. We will strive to increase access to long-term solutions such as affordable shelter, clothing, nutrition, and educational services. We believe all people have dignity and basic human rights and should have access to these foundational services from which they can build a brighter tomorrow. We will prioritize our efforts in Umatilla County, but will also consider applications from across the state.

MISSION STATEMENT 70: The CommuniCare Club at Ida B. Wells High School is focusing on improving mental health in the City of Portland. We’re specifically focusing on mental health surrounding addiction and struggles that are present in LGBTQ+ communities. Mental health has been a prevalent topic in our community for a while now and we’d like to see people prioritize their mental health as well as reduce the stigma that surrounds it. Our funds will be put towards nonprofits who offer accessible mental health support services that include education, support programs, and healthy activities. With the money we raise, we hope to see a healthier community with a better understanding of mental health. We believe everybody should take care of themselves and that knowing how to care for their mental health is extremely important for our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 5: The 5th Period Leadership students at Benson Polytechnic High School will be granting money to organizations providing housing and addiction support for those struggling with homelessness in the Multnomah County/Portland Metro Area. We believe housing and addiction support often go hand-in-hand and these issues tend to be dealt with by masking instead of solving the matter at hand. We will focus on organizations that provide housing and rehabilitation services for those who are struggling with addiction. We would like to see a decrease in both the number of people experiencing homelessness and the amount of substance abuse in our community. We would also like to see people affected by homelessness and addiction given greater opportunities to support themselves after gaining housing and sobriety.

MISSION STATEMENT 7: Central Catholic High School’s Cardinal Group is deeply concerned about the quality of life of immigrants and refugees in the greater Portland Metro Area. We will be using our funds to support organizations that offer immigrants and refugees access to services such as medical care, affordable housing, and employment opportunities. We are looking to fund nonprofits that directly support and advocate for the well-being of immigrants and refugees. We believe everyone deserves to thrive in the State of Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 8: Central Catholic High School’s Gold Group is committed to serving those with disabilities in the Portland Metro Area experiencing poverty. We will be using our funds to support organizations that provide employment opportunities, basic needs services, and affordable housing to those that live at the intersection of poverty and disability. Access to resources may be difficult due to the current financial crisis in Portland, and we want to see all members of our community thriving regardless of ability level.

MISSION STATEMENT 12: Cleveland High School’s 7th Period Leadership students care deeply about the effects of climate change on people of color. We will support organizations in Portland that work to combat the climate-change-facilitating effects created by redlining, gentrification, and infrastructure in historically underserved communities. We aim to alleviate the added pressure people of color face due to climate change.

MISSION STATEMENT 18: The McRhamigan Action Squad from Creekside Community High School will be granting money to organizations in Washington County and Multnomah County that serve at-risk youth, prioritizing housing support services, especially in scenarios involving mental health issues, addiction, and drug abuse. We believe housing is a necessity in order for youth to thrive. Stable housing provides a safe, secure base from which youth can engage with addiction and mental health support services. We will focus on organizations that provide the foundations of housing, specifically for historically marginalized youth. We would like to see at-risk youth set up on a pathway to success through improvement in their well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 22: The CommuniCare students in Mr. VanVickle’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School aim to support mental health and affordable housing in hopes of creating a positive impact on the Multnomah County community. We believe there needs to be an easier way for those who need help to get it, and we will prioritize organizations who serve refugee and immigrant families. By improving access to resources, reducing stigma, and providing safe housing options, we bring hope to those in need. Let’s make a difference together!

MISSION STATEMENT 30: We the students of Hillsboro High School IB Period 2 have partnered with CommuniCare to grant money to organizations that provide homelessness aid and greater access to healthcare for immigrants in the Washington County area. We believe there needs to be more support in these areas because it’s a huge issue for the community and it’s disgusting that people who immigrate for a better life can’t receive equal opportunities as those who had the luxury to be born here. We will focus on organizations who help immigrants in our community adjust to a new environment and gain access to the standard necessities that all humans should be able to access. We would like for immigrants to be able to have easier access to affordable healthcare and housing in their new area and hopefully see the numbers of unhoused immigrants decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 56: The CommuniCare students at Oregon Episcopal School will grant our funds to organizations committed to providing solutions to ensure affordable housing for immigrants and refugees in Portland. We believe there needs to be a support system to ensure stability as newcomers arrive in our community. We will focus on organizations that provide immigrants and refugees with resources and social support so that they may feel welcomed, find their footing, and begin a new life here in the Portland Metro Area. We believe that by offering stable housing and social support, new immigrants to the Portland area will enrich our community. They will need support as they start this new chapter in their lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 62: The Period 2 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be granting money to organizations that support survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. We believe it’s important for survivors to be heard and helped throughout their journey of healing, while having access to all the resources and support that’s available. We’ve seen this type of violence take a toll in our close circles and our communities. We strongly believe survivors deserve justice and empowerment and we want them to feel safe and cared for during such a difficult, traumatic chapter of their life. We will focus on organizations that prioritize medical care, including mental health and addiction support, as well as access to basic necessities like food and housing assistance. We want our grant money to support the physical and mental health of survivors in the Portland Metro Area, with priority to nonprofits that serve young survivors and their families in Washington County. We would like to see survivors benefit from our grants to help them live happy lives without fear of abuse or violence and create fulfilling lives with opportunities for healthier relationships, stronger communities, and education to break the cycle of abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 63: The Period 6 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be supporting immigrants and refugees that reside in the Portland Metro Area and Washington County. The United States, a country whose values include freedom and opportunity, should set a precedent in making sure everyone has a better life, but we know that is sometimes not the case, especially for newcomers. We believe immigrants and refugees arrive already disadvantaged and undermined due to the hardships of leaving their homeland and experiencing issues such as racism, discrimination, and marginalization in a new country. All immigrants and refugees deserve equitable opportunities to succeed and flourish socially and financially, but unfortunately are also often facing challenges for even basic necessities needed for survival, such as the burden of high medical costs and expensive housing. We will, therefore, prioritize nonprofits that assist with medical care and affordable housing so that they can focus more on the pursuit of happiness that we all deserve. We are passionate believers that immigrants and refugees benefit our society and help all of us become more diverse, leading to healthy, creative, innovative, and thriving communities. Immigrants are a vital part of our communities and we want our grants to make a positive, tangible, long-term impact on their lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 66: The CommuniCare students of Umatilla High School will be granting money to organizations providing services to people experiencing houselessness in or near the City of Umatilla, as well as organizations working to prevent houselessness. We firmly believe there needs to be more support for youth houselessness to allow them to break the cycle of poverty, gain stability, and build a brighter future for themselves. We will prioritize organizations that help youth experiencing houselessness in our community gain access to services including emergency shelter and other types of housing access initiatives. We would like to see a decrease in houselessness due to better outcomes from the organizations we select.

MISSION STATEMENT 3: The Leadership Club at Astoria Middle School will be granting money to nonprofits in Clatsop County that protect animals and the environment. We believe all animals should be taken care of and that wild animals deserve a healthy and clean environment to live in. We will focus on organizations that clean up and protect the environment or that rescue, rehome, and care for stray pets and wild animals.

MISSION STATEMENT 17: We are Action Squad 5 at Creekside Community High School and we will be donating funds to organizations that help wildlife in the greater Portland Metro Area. We are passionate about helping wild animals and want to see them healthy and cared for. We will be supporting organizations that provide rescue and rehabilitation for wild animals, especially those that have been displaced because of climate change events like natural disasters or weather events, or organizations that save animals from dangerous facilities in other states or countries. We hope that in the future all animals will have help, safety, and a healthy environment, especially because they cannot help themselves.

MISSION STATEMENT 29: The Hermiston High School Key Club has put together a committee to participate in the CommuniCare program. As a committee, our mission for this project is to make an impactful contribution to the welfare of domestic stray animals, specifically by granting money to animal shelters and rescue organizations. We will prioritize organizations in the Hermiston, Umatilla, and Pendleton areas, but we will consider organizations serving other Eastern Oregon communities. We firmly believe that all domestic animals deserve proper living conditions in order to flourish within their respective communities. We aim to help organizations that do not have enough space or need more resources to provide animals with the best care possible. As a result of our help, we hope to supply our local animal welfare organizations with more resources to benefit the animals they serve.

MISSION STATEMENT 38: Ms. Jarad’s 5th Period Lincoln High School FLI Class is deeply concerned about animal welfare in the City of Portland. We will be using our funds to support nonprofits that offer animal support in the Portland Metro Area. Because we think every animal should be free of harm, we will focus on organizations that help animals recover from abuse, trauma, abandonment, and injuries so they can find their forever homes. We believe all animals deserve to live happy and healthy lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 65: The CommuniCare students at Twality Middle School will be granting money to organizations who serve people experiencing homelessness by providing food and nutrition access or animal and pet care in the Portland Metro Area. We believe this is important because so many people have been displaced by COVID and the housing crisis, and they have been forced to take their pets and leave their homes. We hope to see shelters that provide housing for both people and their pets, as well as programs that provide food for pets and their humans. It is important that all people and animals are able to live comfortably.

MISSION STATEMENT 23: The Forest Grove CommuniCare Committee will award our funds to organizations that provide and support therapeutic creative opportunities for Multnomah and Washington County adolescents outside of school-based academics. Our mission is to increase safe spaces for artistic opportunities that promote emotional and mental well-being. Art is a healthy outlet all youth are entitled to.

MISSION STATEMENT 58: The CommuniCare Group from Roosevelt High School’s Advanced Theatre Class is focused on providing grants to underfunded nonprofit organizations with performing and visual arts programs. We will give grants to developing organizations based in the Portland Metro Area that are focused on giving marginalized communities access to arts programs that wouldn’t normally be available, so the organizations can increase their size and influence (and by extension allow more people to participate in performing and visual arts). In the future our group envisions, all communities will have equal access to arts education regardless of social or economic status.

MISSION STATEMENT 8: Central Catholic High School’s Gold Group is committed to serving those with disabilities in the Portland Metro Area experiencing poverty. We will be using our funds to support organizations that provide employment opportunities, basic needs services, and affordable housing to those that live at the intersection of poverty and disability. Access to resources may be difficult due to the current financial crisis in Portland, and we want to see all members of our community thriving regardless of ability level.

MISSION STATEMENT 18: The McRhamigan Action Squad from Creekside Community High School will be granting money to organizations in Washington County and Multnomah County that serve at-risk youth, prioritizing housing support services, especially in scenarios involving mental health issues, addiction, and drug abuse. We believe housing is a necessity in order for youth to thrive. Stable housing provides a safe, secure base from which youth can engage with addiction and mental health support services. We will focus on organizations that provide the foundations of housing, specifically for historically marginalized youth. We would like to see at-risk youth set up on a pathway to success through improvement in their well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 33: This is the Human Rights Club at Jefferson High School. We are deeply passionate about helping and supporting people affected by border conflicts, including children. This might be because of land disputes, economic instability, and/or crimes which can displace people. Considering what is happening in the world today, we want to focus on organizations that help refugees who come from all parts of the world. Specifically, we will prioritize organizations offering support in catering to the basic needs of refugees in Oregon, including food, housing, and clothes. We would like to see even the slightest improvement in their living conditions and overall well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 40: Lincoln High School students in Mr. Peerenboom’s 8th Period FLI Class have expressed much concern about people experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County, especially people who are seeking shelter around high traffic areas and other unsafe locations. Our funds will be dedicated to programs that aid homeless families with children by providing them with appropriate shelter, food, and safety. Organizations that set up the homeless community for long-lasting financial stability will be prioritized, as will organizations that offer people struggling with addiction a pathway to rehabilitation and stability. We believe everyone has the right to security and asylum.

MISSION STATEMENT 44: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Klein-Wolf’s 7th Period Class will be granting money to organizations working to help houseless people in the Portland Metro Area through the transition period between emergency and permanent housing. All people deserve access to a safe place to live and opportunities to build fulfilling lives. We will focus on organizations that highlight helping those with addiction problems, youth, and elders who struggle to obtain the essentials they need to live. We believe the houselessness dilemma in Portland affects everyone and those facing houselessness can be silently suffering much closer to us than we realize.

MISSION STATEMENT 46: The CommuniCare students of Mrs. Mahony’s Period 7 FLI Class are deeply concerned with the homelessness crisis in Portland, Oregon. We will be granting money to organizations that provide housing and addiction services to people of all ages who are experiencing homelessness. We will specifically be focusing on the Portland Metro Area, where we see a large homeless population. Everyone deserves shelter and a second chance.

MISSION STATEMENT 52: The Nixyàawii CommuniCare Chapter will work alongside nonprofit organizations to alleviate the negative circumstances faced by our houseless neighbors in Eastern Oregon. This issue deeply impacts all of us as Oregonians and by addressing it we can all take part in improving lives throughout our shared communities. We will strive to increase access to long-term solutions such as affordable shelter, clothing, nutrition, and educational services. We believe all people have dignity and basic human rights and should have access to these foundational services from which they can build a brighter tomorrow. We will prioritize our efforts in Umatilla County, but will also consider applications from across the state.

MISSION STATEMENT 53: The CommuniCare students at Northwest Academy will be granting money to organizations supporting queer and trans individuals struggling with houselessness and addiction in the Portland Metro Area. We believe queer and trans houseless people face great burdens due to the intersection of their persecuted identities, and that they deserve greater support than is currently available to them. We will focus on organizations that provide shelter, basic necessities, medical care, and mental health resources to queer and trans houseless individuals, as well as those that provide counseling to LGBTQ+ people struggling with addiction. We would like to see a greater number of queer and trans individuals able to find shelter off of the streets and meet their basic needs, while also being given the opportunity to receive active mental health and addiction counseling.

MISSION STATEMENT 65: The CommuniCare students at Twality Middle School will be granting money to organizations who serve people experiencing homelessness by providing food and nutrition access or animal and pet care in the Portland Metro Area. We believe this is important because so many people have been displaced by COVID and the housing crisis, and they have been forced to take their pets and leave their homes. We hope to see shelters that provide housing for both people and their pets, as well as programs that provide food for pets and their humans. It is important that all people and animals are able to live comfortably.

MISSION STATEMENT 66: The CommuniCare students of Umatilla High School will be granting money to organizations providing services to people experiencing houselessness in or near the City of Umatilla, as well as organizations working to prevent houselessness. We firmly believe there needs to be more support for youth houselessness to allow them to break the cycle of poverty, gain stability, and build a brighter future for themselves. We will prioritize organizations that help youth experiencing houselessness in our community gain access to services including emergency shelter and other types of housing access initiatives. We would like to see a decrease in houselessness due to better outcomes from the organizations we select.

MISSION STATEMENT 67: The CommuniCare students at Warrenton High School will be granting money to organizations that serve survivors of domestic violence and people experiencing food and essentials insecurities in Clatsop County, Oregon. We believe these are large issues in our community and we see it directly everyday. We feel that people should have access to the food, essentials, and safety they need, and we will focus on organizations that provide the essentials and securities that our community lacks and deserves. We would like to see the people in our community receive the support they need and have a safe place to go.

MISSION STATEMENT 71: We, the members of Weston-McEwen CommuniCare, will prioritize funding applications to nonprofit organizations within the boundaries of the greater Athena-Weston School District that offer food security, clothing, and other necessities. Due to the many economic downturns, general prices have increased 18% in the last three years. However, wages have not grown to match these rising costs. A simple way to put it is that our priority is people. Our goal as a community, not only as a club, is to unite our community through optimism. We will consider applications from community nonprofit organizations that provide other services not listed, depending upon the quality of applications in the priority funding area. Growing up in a small community has shown us that being helpful is a crucial part of a community because it inspires others to take similar hopeful actions and helps us all aspire to be great.

MISSION STATEMENT 12: Cleveland High School’s 7th Period Leadership students care deeply about the effects of climate change on people of color. We will support organizations in Portland that work to combat the climate-change-facilitating effects created by redlining, gentrification, and infrastructure in historically underserved communities. We aim to alleviate the added pressure people of color face due to climate change.

MISSION STATEMENT 13: The CommuniCare students from Building Consent Culture at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations providing assistance to survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Multnomah County. We would like to see organizations that help survivors, who are also thinking upstream, and have found ways to try and prevent the violence from occurring in the first place. We will focus on organizations that specifically provide resources to youth, LGBTQIA+, POC, and those who have experienced addiction.

MISSION STATEMENT 14: The CommuniCare students of C.A.R.E. Leadership at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations focused on criminal justice reform and providing services for BIPOC in the Portland Metro Area. Since injustices in the criminal justice system is a persistent systemic issue that disproportionately impacts BIPOC, we believe there needs to be services that directly aid people within the system and those who have exited it to exercise their rights. We will focus on organizations that provide services to BIPOC who have faced or currently are facing discrimination within the justice system through direct and individual support, such as providing bail assistance or legal aid. Our goal is to create a positive impact by supporting organizations that are passionate about helping individuals facing unfair or biased convictions, and preventing innocent people from being wrongfully incarcerated.

MISSION STATEMENT 32: The CommuniCare students, a part of Jefferson High School’s Black Student Union, will be granting money to organizations that provide services and support to BIPOC youth struggling with substance misuse in the Portland Metropolitan Area. BIPOC are more susceptible to addiction and less likely to receive services. We would like to support organizations with an aligned vision of substance abuse prevention and who offer intervention for the affected community. As students, we recognize the struggles youth face regarding substance abuse, and we seek to minimize that struggle and offer support to those who are impacted by the issue. We will focus on organizations that help prevent and support BIPOC dealing with substance use and work to heal the negative effects on communities. We would like to see organizations focusing on tangible steps toward addressing this issue.

MISSION STATEMENT 73: We are Grant High School’s AVID 10 CommuniCare students (Period 1) and we are granting money to improve Oregon’s foster care system, with specialized focus on BIPOC people within the foster care system as well as those leaving it. We will grant our funds to organizations serving the greater Portland Metro Area that offer support to children and young adults both within and exiting the system to help them live happily and healthily. We will focus on organizations that offer this aid preferably through mentorship and specialized support groups, as well as organizations that help in the placement and security of children. We wish to support safer and more stable living environments for those within Oregon’s foster care system, including long-term stability with the help of mentors and organizations that will be able to guide these people through their time in the foster care system as well as those who are leaving it. We believe the foster care system has been failing children over and over again for years, and some children are moved repeatedly from home to home. We believe children and young adults deserve to be respected, seen, and supported.

MISSION STATEMENT 14: The CommuniCare students of C.A.R.E. Leadership at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations focused on criminal justice reform and providing services for BIPOC in the Portland Metro Area. Since injustices in the criminal justice system is a persistent systemic issue that disproportionately impacts BIPOC, we believe there needs to be services that directly aid people within the system and those who have exited it to exercise their rights. We will focus on organizations that provide services to BIPOC who have faced or currently are facing discrimination within the justice system through direct and individual support, such as providing bail assistance or legal aid. Our goal is to create a positive impact by supporting organizations that are passionate about helping individuals facing unfair or biased convictions, and preventing innocent people from being wrongfully incarcerated.

MISSION STATEMENT 2: The students of Astoria Senior High School are recognizing the importance of quality mental health services and services that support those who have suffered from domestic/sexual violence. Our focus is on these serious topics because our student body brought these issues to the forefront of our school community, and we see the correlation between the two topics. The funds that our group raises will be used by nonprofits serving Clatsop County to meet our mission. The ultimate goal of the AHS CommuniCare students is to offer support and resources to assist in coping with the stated issues while providing a place for our students and other community members where they can feel safe.

MISSION STATEMENT 9: Our Civics and Community Service Class at Century High School will be working with CommuniCare to provide grants to organizations that address the relief and recovery of survivors of domestic and sexual violence as well as the prevention of the act in Hillsboro, Oregon. We are deeply saddened by the people we see who suffer and who are not only present in our community but in need of proper resources to improve their situations and/or be safely removed from them. We are looking for nonprofit organizations that hold a positive influence on those of all ages so they can recover despite the limited resources and connections available.

MISSION STATEMENT 13: The CommuniCare students from Building Consent Culture at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations providing assistance to survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Multnomah County. We would like to see organizations that help survivors, who are also thinking upstream, and have found ways to try and prevent the violence from occurring in the first place. We will focus on organizations that specifically provide resources to youth, LGBTQIA+, POC, and those who have experienced addiction.

MISSION STATEMENT 15: The CommuniCare students of Action Squad 2 at Creekside Community High School will be granting money to organizations providing services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Portland and the surrounding community. We believe everyone experiencing this should be able to get help; we have been through this and struggled to get help ourselves. We will focus on organizations who support anyone experiencing the effects of sexual and domestic violence, prioritizing those who serve Washington County and the Creekside community. We would like to see people not going through this alone, people feeling safe in their autonomy, and people feeling safe asking for help.

MISSION STATEMENT 27: The Grant High School CommuniCare Club will be granting money to organizations providing support for survivors of domestic violence in the Portland Metro Area. We chose to focus on this service area because of how difficult escaping situations of domestic violence can be. Our focus will be on organizations that provide systems of support that contribute to the ongoing stability and security for these survivors. In the end, we are hoping to help support survivors of domestic violence in building better and safer lives for themselves.

MISSION STATEMENT 35: The CommuniCare Club at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that provide help to children who are survivors of child abuse. We wish to grant money to organizations located in Oregon, specifically organizations located in Portland and Southern Oregon. We believe children who are survivors of child abuse need to be supported in every way possible in order for them to find their footing again. Our focus will be towards organizations that support survivors of abuse after they have been removed from abusive households and help educate community members on how to recognize abuse and support those facing abuse. The outcome we would like to see is a more educated community when recognizing signs of abuse, as well as improved services for survivors of abuse in Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 57: The students in the CommuniCare Club at Pendleton High School will be granting money to organizations in Eastern Oregon that support survivors of domestic or sexual violence and/or provide mental health resources or services. We will prioritize organizations that serve residents of Umatilla County and organizations that serve youth or teens. These issues have become a bigger problem in recent years, affecting many in our community and we want a better quality of life for everyone dealing with these challenges. We hope to support programs that seek to reach young people in this region in the hopes of offering education and insight about mental health and sexual violence, as well as providing services to others. We would like everyone in our community to feel safe and for there to be fewer barriers to getting help, as well as to lessen the stigma around these issues. We want to open doors for more people to receive help and for everyone to have access to safe spaces to share their experiences and to heal.

MISSION STATEMENT 62: The Period 2 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be granting money to organizations that support survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. We believe it’s important for survivors to be heard and helped throughout their journey of healing, while having access to all the resources and support that’s available. We’ve seen this type of violence take a toll in our close circles and our communities. We strongly believe survivors deserve justice and empowerment and we want them to feel safe and cared for during such a difficult, traumatic chapter of their life. We will focus on organizations that prioritize medical care, including mental health and addiction support, as well as access to basic necessities like food and housing assistance. We want our grant money to support the physical and mental health of survivors in the Portland Metro Area, with priority to nonprofits that serve young survivors and their families in Washington County. We would like to see survivors benefit from our grants to help them live happy lives without fear of abuse or violence and create fulfilling lives with opportunities for healthier relationships, stronger communities, and education to break the cycle of abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 67: The CommuniCare students at Warrenton High School will be granting money to organizations that serve survivors of domestic violence and people experiencing food and essentials insecurities in Clatsop County, Oregon. We believe these are large issues in our community and we see it directly everyday. We feel that people should have access to the food, essentials, and safety they need, and we will focus on organizations that provide the essentials and securities that our community lacks and deserves. We would like to see the people in our community receive the support they need and have a safe place to go.

MISSION STATEMENT 72: We, the AVID 12 students at Benson Polytechnic High School, will be granting money to organizations that provide services around gun violence and safety in Multnomah County. We believe our community is impacted by gun violence in many ways. We know Portland families and communities are suffering because the rate of deaths by guns has steadily increased during just our time in high school. We will focus on organizations that work to promote gun safety, prevent gun violence, and help individuals and families who have experienced the effects of gun violence – this can include, but is not limited to: gang-related homicide, domestic violence, and suicide. We would like to see increased safety in our community, and the rates of gun-related deaths decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 29: The Hermiston High School Key Club has put together a committee to participate in the CommuniCare program. As a committee, our mission for this project is to make an impactful contribution to the welfare of domestic stray animals, specifically by granting money to animal shelters and rescue organizations. We will prioritize organizations in the Hermiston, Umatilla, and Pendleton areas, but we will consider organizations serving other Eastern Oregon communities. We firmly believe that all domestic animals deserve proper living conditions in order to flourish within their respective communities. We aim to help organizations that do not have enough space or need more resources to provide animals with the best care possible. As a result of our help, we hope to supply our local animal welfare organizations with more resources to benefit the animals they serve.

MISSION STATEMENT 52: The Nixyàawii CommuniCare Chapter will work alongside nonprofit organizations to alleviate the negative circumstances faced by our houseless neighbors in Eastern Oregon. This issue deeply impacts all of us as Oregonians and by addressing it we can all take part in improving lives throughout our shared communities. We will strive to increase access to long-term solutions such as affordable shelter, clothing, nutrition, and educational services. We believe all people have dignity and basic human rights and should have access to these foundational services from which they can build a brighter tomorrow. We will prioritize our efforts in Umatilla County, but will also consider applications from across the state.

MISSION STATEMENT 57: The students in the CommuniCare Club at Pendleton High School will be granting money to organizations in Eastern Oregon that support survivors of domestic or sexual violence and/or provide mental health resources or services. We will prioritize organizations that serve residents of Umatilla County and organizations that serve youth or teens. These issues have become a bigger problem in recent years, affecting many in our community and we want a better quality of life for everyone dealing with these challenges. We hope to support programs that seek to reach young people in this region in the hopes of offering education and insight about mental health and sexual violence, as well as providing services to others. We would like everyone in our community to feel safe and for there to be fewer barriers to getting help, as well as to lessen the stigma around these issues. We want to open doors for more people to receive help and for everyone to have access to safe spaces to share their experiences and to heal.

MISSION STATEMENT 66: The CommuniCare students of Umatilla High School will be granting money to organizations providing services to people experiencing houselessness in or near the City of Umatilla, as well as organizations working to prevent houselessness. We firmly believe there needs to be more support for youth houselessness to allow them to break the cycle of poverty, gain stability, and build a brighter future for themselves. We will prioritize organizations that help youth experiencing houselessness in our community gain access to services including emergency shelter and other types of housing access initiatives. We would like to see a decrease in houselessness due to better outcomes from the organizations we select.

MISSION STATEMENT 71: We, the members of Weston-McEwen CommuniCare, will prioritize funding applications to nonprofit organizations within the boundaries of the greater Athena-Weston School District that offer food security, clothing, and other necessities. Due to the many economic downturns, general prices have increased 18% in the last three years. However, wages have not grown to match these rising costs. A simple way to put it is that our priority is people. Our goal as a community, not only as a club, is to unite our community through optimism. We will consider applications from community nonprofit organizations that provide other services not listed, depending upon the quality of applications in the priority funding area. Growing up in a small community has shown us that being helpful is a crucial part of a community because it inspires others to take similar hopeful actions and helps us all aspire to be great.

MISSION STATEMENT 50: The CommuniCare students of the McDaniel High School Business Launch Class will be granting money to organizations in Portland that support small businesses, which are the heart of our community! We want to support those getting started in business, especially underrepresented groups, immigrants, and those having a positive impact on the world. As business students and future business owners, we want to foster growth in this crucial part of our community. We are a diverse class and increasing diversity in the small business community is important to us. We hope to give new business owners the opportunity to learn and to get guidance as they begin their journey to become successful entrepreneurs. We are excited to see the impact of these new businesses on our community as they thrive and give back.

MISSION STATEMENT 44: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Klein-Wolf’s 7th Period Class will be granting money to organizations working to help houseless people in the Portland Metro Area through the transition period between emergency and permanent housing. All people deserve access to a safe place to live and opportunities to build fulfilling lives. We will focus on organizations that highlight helping those with addiction problems, youth, and elders who struggle to obtain the essentials they need to live. We believe the houselessness dilemma in Portland affects everyone and those facing houselessness can be silently suffering much closer to us than we realize.

MISSION STATEMENT 51: The Business Management students of McDaniel High School are deeply concerned about the lack of financial support for low-income students, specifically in North or Northeast Portland. This is important because many of us have seen or experienced missed opportunities due to lack of funds and we don’t want any member of our community to be left out. We will focus on helping nonprofits in our community that provide scholarships and seek to connect students of any age to activities that are both educational and extracurricular, including, but not limited to sports, academic trips, tutoring, college or other post-high school scholarships, or opportunities for the elderly. We want to empower people of all backgrounds to experience their dreams without the fear of financial burdens.

MISSION STATEMENT 7: Central Catholic High School’s Cardinal Group is deeply concerned about the quality of life of immigrants and refugees in the greater Portland Metro Area. We will be using our funds to support organizations that offer immigrants and refugees access to services such as medical care, affordable housing, and employment opportunities. We are looking to fund nonprofits that directly support and advocate for the well-being of immigrants and refugees. We believe everyone deserves to thrive in the State of Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 8: Central Catholic High School’s Gold Group is committed to serving those with disabilities in the Portland Metro Area experiencing poverty. We will be using our funds to support organizations that provide employment opportunities, basic needs services, and affordable housing to those that live at the intersection of poverty and disability. Access to resources may be difficult due to the current financial crisis in Portland, and we want to see all members of our community thriving regardless of ability level.

MISSION STATEMENT 45: Ms. Klein-Wolf´s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that focus on providing stable and sustainable food systems that help people who are experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that produce food in an environmentally friendly way, give food to those who need it, and ideally provide job opportunities. We believe that work like this can create lasting change by positively impacting our community. We would like to see our houseless population decrease and for sustainable food systems to help lower the climate change crisis by reducing food waste and/or using regenerative agricultural practices.

MISSION STATEMENT 50: The CommuniCare students of the McDaniel High School Business Launch Class will be granting money to organizations in Portland that support small businesses, which are the heart of our community! We want to support those getting started in business, especially underrepresented groups, immigrants, and those having a positive impact on the world. As business students and future business owners, we want to foster growth in this crucial part of our community. We are a diverse class and increasing diversity in the small business community is important to us. We hope to give new business owners the opportunity to learn and to get guidance as they begin their journey to become successful entrepreneurs. We are excited to see the impact of these new businesses on our community as they thrive and give back.

MISSION STATEMENT 3: The Leadership Club at Astoria Middle School will be granting money to nonprofits in Clatsop County that protect animals and the environment. We believe all animals should be taken care of and that wild animals deserve a healthy and clean environment to live in. We will focus on organizations that clean up and protect the environment or that rescue, rehome, and care for stray pets and wild animals.

MISSION STATEMENT 12: Cleveland High School’s 7th Period Leadership students care deeply about the effects of climate change on people of color. We will support organizations in Portland that work to combat the climate-change-facilitating effects created by redlining, gentrification, and infrastructure in historically underserved communities. We aim to alleviate the added pressure people of color face due to climate change.

MISSION STATEMENT 17: We are Action Squad 5 at Creekside Community High School and we will be donating funds to organizations that help wildlife in the greater Portland Metro Area. We are passionate about helping wild animals and want to see them healthy and cared for. We will be supporting organizations that provide rescue and rehabilitation for wild animals, especially those that have been displaced because of climate change events like natural disasters or weather events, or organizations that save animals from dangerous facilities in other states or countries. We hope that in the future all animals will have help, safety, and a healthy environment, especially because they cannot help themselves.

MISSION STATEMENT 45: Ms. Klein-Wolf´s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that focus on providing stable and sustainable food systems that help people who are experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that produce food in an environmentally friendly way, give food to those who need it, and ideally provide job opportunities. We believe that work like this can create lasting change by positively impacting our community. We would like to see our houseless population decrease and for sustainable food systems to help lower the climate change crisis by reducing food waste and/or using regenerative agricultural practices.

MISSION STATEMENT 49: The McDaniel High School Justice Lab Class is granting money to organizations serving communities in and around the Portland Metropolitan Area focusing on the intersection of homelessness and environmental stewardship. The Justice Lab class seeks to fund programs that are addressing the twin crises of global climate change and extreme economic insecurity. Priority will be given to organizations that emphasize restorative justice practices in their work.

MISSION STATEMENT 60: The students of Seaside High School Key Club will be granting money to local organizations that provide services to the environment and medical and mental health care access within Clatsop County. We believe there needs to be more support for keeping our local environment clean and the ability for our community to access medical and mental care, specifically youth. We will be focusing on organizations that give back to our community through efforts to keep it clean and provide the easy opportunity for people to access affordable healthcare, including organizations looking to help those facing challenges with their mental health. As a result of our grants, we hope to see our beaches and other public areas clean in the hopes of making an improvement in the climate, and people of low- income, specifically youth, having better resources to get the help they need.

MISSION STATEMENT 6: The mission of the CommuniCare Club at Catlin Gabel this year is to address food security for everyone. We firmly believe that having access to healthy and sustainable food is a basic human right, and we’ve observed a growing problem stemming from inadequate access. Our primary approach is to raise and grant funds to organizations in the Portland Metro Area that address these issues.

MISSION STATEMENT 10: The CommuniCare Chapter here at Clackamas High School is committed to supporting immigrant communities within the Portland Metro Area. Our goal is to help migrant families overcome food insecurities, gain access to educational opportunities, and improve their overall quality of life. We hope our work will ease the strain on this valuable cornerstone of our community. Together we thrive.

MISSION STATEMENT 19: We, the Student Council of David Douglas High School, in collaboration with CommuniCare, will be granting money to organizations that provide food and nutrition access to youth and families in the East Portland area. As Portland undergoes an intense food desert, there exists a noticeable lack of accessible and nutritious food – a most basic human right. To approach the issue, we strongly feel more longstanding solutions need to be put in place. We will focus on organizations that not only provide fresh foods but specialize in sustainable programs that fulfill families’ needs, such as cooking classes and food planning. By providing easy and affordable access to food, we aim for youth and families to be nutritionally sound, healthy, and overall set up for success.

MISSION STATEMENT 24: The Grey Student Store Management & Philanthropy students at Franklin High School will be granting money to organizations providing food and nutrition access and services to refugees/immigrants in the Portland community. We believe access to nutritious food is a crucial step in supporting those in need, and we want to help refugee and immigrant families in their transition. By supporting these members of our community in obtaining food security, we hope to see an increase in immigrant families’ health by meeting basic nutritional needs and lessening their financial burden. Additionally, we hope to see an easier adjustment into their new environment that allows them to assimilate into our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 25: The Maroon Chapter of the Student Store Management & Philanthropy group at Franklin High School will be granting money to organizations focusing on providing nutrition access and education to the people living in the Multnomah County area who are struggling with food insecurity. We know food is a necessity to live, and making sure everyone can access proper nourishment is very important to us. We would like to see our community well fed with nutritious food and equipped with the knowledge to continue accessing these resources. Our ultimate goal is to see hunger rates drop within our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 33: This is the Human Rights Club at Jefferson High School. We are deeply passionate about helping and supporting people affected by border conflicts, including children. This might be because of land disputes, economic instability, and/or crimes which can displace people. Considering what is happening in the world today, we want to focus on organizations that help refugees who come from all parts of the world. Specifically, we will prioritize organizations offering support in catering to the basic needs of refugees in Oregon, including food, housing, and clothes. We would like to see even the slightest improvement in their living conditions and overall well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 39: Mr. Peerenboom’s 7th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School is committed to promoting equal access to nutrition for all, with a particular emphasis on addressing issues of food and nutrition availability in the Northwest Oregon region. We acknowledge that economic difficulties, resulting from inflation and the increasing costs of nutritious food, impede certain individuals from obtaining wholesome meals. Our objective goes beyond mere sustenance; we strive to offer high-quality nourishment to those in need. Recognizing the significant disparities in food accessibility within our community, we have chosen to focus our efforts on the economically disadvantaged areas of Portland. We firmly believe that every individual deserves a dependable and sustainable source of nourishment.

MISSION STATEMENT 40: Lincoln High School students in Mr. Peerenboom’s 8th Period FLI Class have expressed much concern about people experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County, especially people who are seeking shelter around high traffic areas and other unsafe locations. Our funds will be dedicated to programs that aid homeless families with children by providing them with appropriate shelter, food, and safety. Organizations that set up the homeless community for long-lasting financial stability will be prioritized, as will organizations that offer people struggling with addiction a pathway to rehabilitation and stability. We believe everyone has the right to security and asylum.

MISSION STATEMENT 45: Ms. Klein-Wolf´s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that focus on providing stable and sustainable food systems that help people who are experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that produce food in an environmentally friendly way, give food to those who need it, and ideally provide job opportunities. We believe that work like this can create lasting change by positively impacting our community. We would like to see our houseless population decrease and for sustainable food systems to help lower the climate change crisis by reducing food waste and/or using regenerative agricultural practices.

MISSION STATEMENT 48: We are freshman students of Lincoln High School in Mr. Weed’s 6th Period FLI Class. We will be granting money to organizations in the Portland Metro Area that provide nutritional support to food insecure families. We believe everyone has the right to have nutritious food in order to feel successful in their everyday lives. We will focus on organizations who reach out to families with a lack of food to provide nutritional support. We would like to see our community thrive in a more positive and inclusive environment and to better the lives of the food insecure families in the Portland Metro Area.

MISSION STATEMENT 52: The Nixyàawii CommuniCare Chapter will work alongside nonprofit organizations to alleviate the negative circumstances faced by our houseless neighbors in Eastern Oregon. This issue deeply impacts all of us as Oregonians and by addressing it we can all take part in improving lives throughout our shared communities. We will strive to increase access to long-term solutions such as affordable shelter, clothing, nutrition, and educational services. We believe all people have dignity and basic human rights and should have access to these foundational services from which they can build a brighter tomorrow. We will prioritize our efforts in Umatilla County, but will also consider applications from across the state.

MISSION STATEMENT 65: The CommuniCare students at Twality Middle School will be granting money to organizations who serve people experiencing homelessness by providing food and nutrition access or animal and pet care in the Portland Metro Area. We believe this is important because so many people have been displaced by COVID and the housing crisis, and they have been forced to take their pets and leave their homes. We hope to see shelters that provide housing for both people and their pets, as well as programs that provide food for pets and their humans. It is important that all people and animals are able to live comfortably.

MISSION STATEMENT 67: The CommuniCare students at Warrenton High School will be granting money to organizations that serve survivors of domestic violence and people experiencing food and essentials insecurities in Clatsop County, Oregon. We believe these are large issues in our community and we see it directly everyday. We feel that people should have access to the food, essentials, and safety they need, and we will focus on organizations that provide the essentials and securities that our community lacks and deserves. We would like to see the people in our community receive the support they need and have a safe place to go.

MISSION STATEMENT 71: We, the members of Weston-McEwen CommuniCare, will prioritize funding applications to nonprofit organizations within the boundaries of the greater Athena-Weston School District that offer food security, clothing, and other necessities. Due to the many economic downturns, general prices have increased 18% in the last three years. However, wages have not grown to match these rising costs. A simple way to put it is that our priority is people. Our goal as a community, not only as a club, is to unite our community through optimism. We will consider applications from community nonprofit organizations that provide other services not listed, depending upon the quality of applications in the priority funding area. Growing up in a small community has shown us that being helpful is a crucial part of a community because it inspires others to take similar hopeful actions and helps us all aspire to be great.

MISSION STATEMENT 28: The CommuniCare students in the National Honors Society Chapter at Gresham High School will be granting money to organizations dedicated to providing services for children in the foster care system in Oregon. We believe in supporting the disadvantaged youth in our community and want to see the impact we will make as a chapter with our grants. We will focus on organizations that plan on helping with parent rehabilitation (mental health services involving parents, drug rehabilitation, or services involving parent contact), mental health services for youth, and supporting the educational needs of foster youth. We would like to see the children in our foster care system have access to equitable opportunities along with support as they go through their adolescence.

MISSION STATEMENT 35: The CommuniCare Club at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that provide help to children who are survivors of child abuse. We wish to grant money to organizations located in Oregon, specifically organizations located in Portland and Southern Oregon. We believe children who are survivors of child abuse need to be supported in every way possible in order for them to find their footing again. Our focus will be towards organizations that support survivors of abuse after they have been removed from abusive households and help educate community members on how to recognize abuse and support those facing abuse. The outcome we would like to see is a more educated community when recognizing signs of abuse, as well as improved services for survivors of abuse in Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 43: The students in Profe Marisol Kreuzer 7th Period Freshmen Leadership and Inquiry Class at Lincoln High School have decided as a group to focus our efforts on helping organizations that support the houseless and give them access to the medical care they need. We are looking to grant money to nonprofits that provide medical care to people experiencing houselessness, specifically single parents, immigrants, and/or foster youth in the Portland Metro Area. We chose our focus as a class because, as a high school downtown, we are witnesses to homelessness and we understand that people need help. Being without shelter and without necessary supplies for so long can increase someone’s need for medical care. We hope our grants can lift some stress off of people’s backs and make their lives easier, because everyone should be able to access medical care, and it is especially important in times of need. We hope these people can get the care they require, but we understand that not all organizations will serve all of these groups. Our goal is to have a positive impact on our community and the well-being of downtown Portland.

MISSION STATEMENT 61: This year, the St. Mary’s Academy CommuniCare Chapter is focused on helping teens navigate the complications of the foster care system. We will be using our funds to support nonprofits who provide advocacy for better legal opportunities and resources as well as community building for youth in the foster care system. As teens ourselves, we find it important to support our peers across Oregon who have fewer opportunities than we do. Through our funds, we hope to help minimize the systematic obstacles that many foster teens face.

MISSION STATEMENT 73: We are Grant High School’s AVID 10 CommuniCare students (Period 1) and we are granting money to improve Oregon’s foster care system, with specialized focus on BIPOC people within the foster care system as well as those leaving it. We will grant our funds to organizations serving the greater Portland Metro Area that offer support to children and young adults both within and exiting the system to help them live happily and healthily. We will focus on organizations that offer this aid preferably through mentorship and specialized support groups, as well as organizations that help in the placement and security of children. We wish to support safer and more stable living environments for those within Oregon’s foster care system, including long-term stability with the help of mentors and organizations that will be able to guide these people through their time in the foster care system as well as those who are leaving it. We believe the foster care system has been failing children over and over again for years, and some children are moved repeatedly from home to home. We believe children and young adults deserve to be respected, seen, and supported.

MISSION STATEMENT 69: The Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School Leadership CommuniCare Group will support survivors of gun violence and pursue legislative change that reduces the number of public shootings. We want to grant money to nonprofits that support survivors of gun violence and provide mental health services for youth in Oregon. There needs to be more resources for people who have experienced or been around gun violence, like support groups, accessible therapy, financial aid, and planned community vigils. We’ll support organizations that work directly with the students and offer in-person support. Addressing and combating the issue of gun violence will create safer, understanding, and better communities. Our goal is to help prevent gun violence, and try to remedy the wounds already inflicted.

MISSION STATEMENT 72: We, the AVID 12 students at Benson Polytechnic High School, will be granting money to organizations that provide services around gun violence and safety in Multnomah County. We believe our community is impacted by gun violence in many ways. We know Portland families and communities are suffering because the rate of deaths by guns has steadily increased during just our time in high school. We will focus on organizations that work to promote gun safety, prevent gun violence, and help individuals and families who have experienced the effects of gun violence – this can include, but is not limited to: gang-related homicide, domestic violence, and suicide. We would like to see increased safety in our community, and the rates of gun-related deaths decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 7: Central Catholic High School’s Cardinal Group is deeply concerned about the quality of life of immigrants and refugees in the greater Portland Metro Area. We will be using our funds to support organizations that offer immigrants and refugees access to services such as medical care, affordable housing, and employment opportunities. We are looking to fund nonprofits that directly support and advocate for the well-being of immigrants and refugees. We believe everyone deserves to thrive in the State of Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 16: We are Action Squad 3 at Creekside Community High School and we are concerned about access to healthcare in Washington County. We chose this service area because healthcare is expensive and difficult to access, especially for those with lower incomes or people experiencing houselessness. A lot of people in these groups are struggling with health problems, as well as with accessing and affording care. We would specifically like to improve access to medication and prescriptions, diagnostics, life-saving surgery, trauma treatment, and treatment for learning disorders. We want to guide a path towards a future where healthcare is accessible to all those who need it.

MISSION STATEMENT 21: Ms. Montoya’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School, in collaboration with CommuniCare, plans to provide funding for organizations dedicated to enhancing healthcare and medical services for people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. Our primary areas of focus will be affordable mental and physical healthcare accessibility for the homeless population. By concentrating on these aspects, we aim to strengthen our community by offering comfort to individuals and fostering greater support for those who are experiencing homelessness. Our emphasis will be on nonprofit organizations specializing in medical care access and homelessness support, with the goal of disseminating these resources throughout the area. Our vision is to create a more convenient and affordable access to essential services without judgment, ultimately enhancing the well-being of the community.

MISSION STATEMENT 26: In the world today, we are faced with a lot of challenges. As the students of Glencoe High School, we are choosing to support nonprofits in the Portland Metro Area that are working to solve one of the biggest problems we are facing today – access to healthcare. Our goal is to highlight nonprofits that help with access and resources having to do with healthcare, whether it is specifically within hospitals or with mental health programs. We also want to acknowledge that healthcare should be for everyone no matter race, age, or gender and we want to support nonprofits that strive to work with all groups of people, although, we will prioritize organizations that serve people of all ages that wouldn’t usually have full access to healthcare due to their income. Access to healthcare is an umbrella term for many different categories, however, we would like to focus on organizations that provide healthcare services to those who are most in need in our community with resources such as therapy, support groups, and health benefits.

MISSION STATEMENT 30: We the students of Hillsboro High School IB Period 2 have partnered with CommuniCare to grant money to organizations that provide homelessness aid and greater access to healthcare for immigrants in the Washington County area. We believe there needs to be more support in these areas because it’s a huge issue for the community and it’s disgusting that people who immigrate for a better life can’t receive equal opportunities as those who had the luxury to be born here. We will focus on organizations who help immigrants in our community adjust to a new environment and gain access to the standard necessities that all humans should be able to access. We would like for immigrants to be able to have easier access to affordable healthcare and housing in their new area and hopefully see the numbers of unhoused immigrants decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 31: Hillsboro High School IB Period 3 is concerned for our community members who are facing homelessness. In addition, many homeless individuals do not have access to healthcare. When homeless individuals can’t have access to healthcare, their existing health issues may worsen, making it harder for them to get back on their feet and find employment or stable housing. This creates a vicious cycle that makes it challenging to escape homelessness. We will be using our funds to support organizations that serve individuals in the Washington County community who are homeless and are in severe need of healthcare aid. We are specifically focusing on low-income and homeless individuals. Addressing both homelessness and healthcare access is crucial to break this cycle.

MISSION STATEMENT 36: Ms. Hindman’s 2nd Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School has a mission to provide necessary healthcare and hygiene services for people experiencing homelessness in Portland. We value human life no matter what their predicaments are and believe everyone deserves basic needs. We also experience and see people experiencing homelessness every day outside of our school, which breaks our hearts, and we want to make an impact. It’s wrong that many of the people of Portland suffer from the lack of stable housing.

MISSION STATEMENT 43: The students in Profe Marisol Kreuzer 7th Period Freshmen Leadership and Inquiry Class at Lincoln High School have decided as a group to focus our efforts on helping organizations that support the houseless and give them access to the medical care they need. We are looking to grant money to nonprofits that provide medical care to people experiencing houselessness, specifically single parents, immigrants, and/or foster youth in the Portland Metro Area. We chose our focus as a class because, as a high school downtown, we are witnesses to homelessness and we understand that people need help. Being without shelter and without necessary supplies for so long can increase someone’s need for medical care. We hope our grants can lift some stress off of people’s backs and make their lives easier, because everyone should be able to access medical care, and it is especially important in times of need. We hope these people can get the care they require, but we understand that not all organizations will serve all of these groups. Our goal is to have a positive impact on our community and the well-being of downtown Portland.

MISSION STATEMENT 47: The CommuniCare students in Ms. Mahony’s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School want to support people in low-income areas from Portland. We would like to focus on organizations who can provide affordable or free health services for both mental and physical wellness. We chose this area of focus because being healthy is important, healthcare is expensive and hard to get, and accessible healthcare lowers stress and overall worries about money management. We would like to see more of the people who live in poverty, homelessness, and low-income areas get easier access to healthcare and wellness services.

MISSION STATEMENT 53: The CommuniCare students at Northwest Academy will be granting money to organizations supporting queer and trans individuals struggling with houselessness and addiction in the Portland Metro Area. We believe queer and trans houseless people face great burdens due to the intersection of their persecuted identities, and that they deserve greater support than is currently available to them. We will focus on organizations that provide shelter, basic necessities, medical care, and mental health resources to queer and trans houseless individuals, as well as those that provide counseling to LGBTQ+ people struggling with addiction. We would like to see a greater number of queer and trans individuals able to find shelter off of the streets and meet their basic needs, while also being given the opportunity to receive active mental health and addiction counseling.

MISSION STATEMENT 54: The CommuniCare students at Open School East (Group 1) will be granting money to organizations that provide access to medical care to Portland Metro Area youth. We believe access to healthcare can support and uplift those in our community suffering from disability, addiction, and mental illness. We will focus on organizations that provide medical care and support to young adults in the Portland Metro Area. We hope to see the youth of the Portland Metro Area become stronger and healthier, both for themselves and our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 60: The students of Seaside High School Key Club will be granting money to local organizations that provide services to the environment and medical and mental health care access within Clatsop County. We believe there needs to be more support for keeping our local environment clean and the ability for our community to access medical and mental care, specifically youth. We will be focusing on organizations that give back to our community through efforts to keep it clean and provide the easy opportunity for people to access affordable healthcare, including organizations looking to help those facing challenges with their mental health. As a result of our grants, we hope to see our beaches and other public areas clean in the hopes of making an improvement in the climate, and people of low- income, specifically youth, having better resources to get the help they need.

MISSION STATEMENT 62: The Period 2 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be granting money to organizations that support survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. We believe it’s important for survivors to be heard and helped throughout their journey of healing, while having access to all the resources and support that’s available. We’ve seen this type of violence take a toll in our close circles and our communities. We strongly believe survivors deserve justice and empowerment and we want them to feel safe and cared for during such a difficult, traumatic chapter of their life. We will focus on organizations that prioritize medical care, including mental health and addiction support, as well as access to basic necessities like food and housing assistance. We want our grant money to support the physical and mental health of survivors in the Portland Metro Area, with priority to nonprofits that serve young survivors and their families in Washington County. We would like to see survivors benefit from our grants to help them live happy lives without fear of abuse or violence and create fulfilling lives with opportunities for healthier relationships, stronger communities, and education to break the cycle of abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 63: The Period 6 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be supporting immigrants and refugees that reside in the Portland Metro Area and Washington County. The United States, a country whose values include freedom and opportunity, should set a precedent in making sure everyone has a better life, but we know that is sometimes not the case, especially for newcomers. We believe immigrants and refugees arrive already disadvantaged and undermined due to the hardships of leaving their homeland and experiencing issues such as racism, discrimination, and marginalization in a new country. All immigrants and refugees deserve equitable opportunities to succeed and flourish socially and financially, but unfortunately are also often facing challenges for even basic necessities needed for survival, such as the burden of high medical costs and expensive housing. We will, therefore, prioritize nonprofits that assist with medical care and affordable housing so that they can focus more on the pursuit of happiness that we all deserve. We are passionate believers that immigrants and refugees benefit our society and help all of us become more diverse, leading to healthy, creative, innovative, and thriving communities. Immigrants are a vital part of our communities and we want our grants to make a positive, tangible, long-term impact on their lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 5: The 5th Period Leadership students at Benson Polytechnic High School will be granting money to organizations providing housing and addiction support for those struggling with homelessness in the Multnomah County/Portland Metro Area. We believe housing and addiction support often go hand-in-hand and these issues tend to be dealt with by masking instead of solving the matter at hand. We will focus on organizations that provide housing and rehabilitation services for those who are struggling with addiction. We would like to see a decrease in both the number of people experiencing homelessness and the amount of substance abuse in our community. We would also like to see people affected by homelessness and addiction given greater opportunities to support themselves after gaining housing and sobriety.

MISSION STATEMENT 21: Ms. Montoya’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School, in collaboration with CommuniCare, plans to provide funding for organizations dedicated to enhancing healthcare and medical services for people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. Our primary areas of focus will be affordable mental and physical healthcare accessibility for the homeless population. By concentrating on these aspects, we aim to strengthen our community by offering comfort to individuals and fostering greater support for those who are experiencing homelessness. Our emphasis will be on nonprofit organizations specializing in medical care access and homelessness support, with the goal of disseminating these resources throughout the area. Our vision is to create a more convenient and affordable access to essential services without judgment, ultimately enhancing the well-being of the community.

MISSION STATEMENT 31: Hillsboro High School IB Period 3 is concerned for our community members who are facing homelessness. In addition, many homeless individuals do not have access to healthcare. When homeless individuals can’t have access to healthcare, their existing health issues may worsen, making it harder for them to get back on their feet and find employment or stable housing. This creates a vicious cycle that makes it challenging to escape homelessness. We will be using our funds to support organizations that serve individuals in the Washington County community who are homeless and are in severe need of healthcare aid. We are specifically focusing on low-income and homeless individuals. Addressing both homelessness and healthcare access is crucial to break this cycle.

MISSION STATEMENT 36: Ms. Hindman’s 2nd Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School has a mission to provide necessary healthcare and hygiene services for people experiencing homelessness in Portland. We value human life no matter what their predicaments are and believe everyone deserves basic needs. We also experience and see people experiencing homelessness every day outside of our school, which breaks our hearts, and we want to make an impact. It’s wrong that many of the people of Portland suffer from the lack of stable housing.

MISSION STATEMENT 37: The CommuniCare students in Ms. Hindman’s 3rd Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to nonprofit organizations specializing in addiction support services for people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We want to help people get out of homelessness, focusing on drug use and addiction as a main cause of instability. We will focus on nonprofits whose goal is to help homeless people get back on their feet. We are doing this because we want a safer environment for everyone in the Portland Metro Area, to help homeless numbers and addiction stats decrease, and to grow city engagement.

MISSION STATEMENT 40: Lincoln High School students in Mr. Peerenboom’s 8th Period FLI Class have expressed much concern about people experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County, especially people who are seeking shelter around high traffic areas and other unsafe locations. Our funds will be dedicated to programs that aid homeless families with children by providing them with appropriate shelter, food, and safety. Organizations that set up the homeless community for long-lasting financial stability will be prioritized, as will organizations that offer people struggling with addiction a pathway to rehabilitation and stability. We believe everyone has the right to security and asylum.

MISSION STATEMENT 41: The 9th grade AVID students at Lincoln High School care deeply about the houseless crisis here in Portland and recognize that addiction is a large contributor. Every family should have access to resources to support their journey in fighting addiction and getting on their feet. We believe all families deserve a second chance. We will focus on organizations that prioritize families struggling with addiction who are experiencing houselessness. We would like to see more people getting treatment for addiction and helping their families. It may be too late to start over, but it’s never too late to change your ending.

MISSION STATEMENT 42: The Freshman Leadership and Inquiry students of Profe Marisol Kreuzer’s 6th Period Class at Lincoln High School are looking to grant money to nonprofit organizations that provide addiction support for young adults experiencing houselessness in downtown Portland. Due to our school being in the Portland Metro Area (downtown), we consistently see the neglect of those in need. Supporting less fortunate people in our community is important to us because we believe no one deserves to be living on the streets. As such, we will be prioritizing organizations that provide services to houseless youth struggling with addiction. We hope to one day be able to walk through a downtown Portland where all young adults are housed and are receiving the services they need, which will result in our city being a place where houselessness coupled with addiction is no longer a part of our reality.

MISSION STATEMENT 43: The students in Profe Marisol Kreuzer 7th Period Freshmen Leadership and Inquiry Class at Lincoln High School have decided as a group to focus our efforts on helping organizations that support the houseless and give them access to the medical care they need. We are looking to grant money to nonprofits that provide medical care to people experiencing houselessness, specifically single parents, immigrants, and/or foster youth in the Portland Metro Area. We chose our focus as a class because, as a high school downtown, we are witnesses to homelessness and we understand that people need help. Being without shelter and without necessary supplies for so long can increase someone’s need for medical care. We hope our grants can lift some stress off of people’s backs and make their lives easier, because everyone should be able to access medical care, and it is especially important in times of need. We hope these people can get the care they require, but we understand that not all organizations will serve all of these groups. Our goal is to have a positive impact on our community and the well-being of downtown Portland.

MISSION STATEMENT 44: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Klein-Wolf’s 7th Period Class will be granting money to organizations working to help houseless people in the Portland Metro Area through the transition period between emergency and permanent housing. All people deserve access to a safe place to live and opportunities to build fulfilling lives. We will focus on organizations that highlight helping those with addiction problems, youth, and elders who struggle to obtain the essentials they need to live. We believe the houselessness dilemma in Portland affects everyone and those facing houselessness can be silently suffering much closer to us than we realize.

MISSION STATEMENT 45: Ms. Klein-Wolf´s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that focus on providing stable and sustainable food systems that help people who are experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that produce food in an environmentally friendly way, give food to those who need it, and ideally provide job opportunities. We believe that work like this can create lasting change by positively impacting our community. We would like to see our houseless population decrease and for sustainable food systems to help lower the climate change crisis by reducing food waste and/or using regenerative agricultural practices.

MISSION STATEMENT 46: The CommuniCare students of Mrs. Mahony’s Period 7 FLI Class are deeply concerned with the homelessness crisis in Portland, Oregon. We will be granting money to organizations that provide housing and addiction services to people of all ages who are experiencing homelessness. We will specifically be focusing on the Portland Metro Area, where we see a large homeless population. Everyone deserves shelter and a second chance.

MISSION STATEMENT 49: The McDaniel High School Justice Lab Class is granting money to organizations serving communities in and around the Portland Metropolitan Area focusing on the intersection of homelessness and environmental stewardship. The Justice Lab class seeks to fund programs that are addressing the twin crises of global climate change and extreme economic insecurity. Priority will be given to organizations that emphasize restorative justice practices in their work.

MISSION STATEMENT 52: The Nixyàawii CommuniCare Chapter will work alongside nonprofit organizations to alleviate the negative circumstances faced by our houseless neighbors in Eastern Oregon. This issue deeply impacts all of us as Oregonians and by addressing it we can all take part in improving lives throughout our shared communities. We will strive to increase access to long-term solutions such as affordable shelter, clothing, nutrition, and educational services. We believe all people have dignity and basic human rights and should have access to these foundational services from which they can build a brighter tomorrow. We will prioritize our efforts in Umatilla County, but will also consider applications from across the state.

MISSION STATEMENT 53: The CommuniCare students at Northwest Academy will be granting money to organizations supporting queer and trans individuals struggling with houselessness and addiction in the Portland Metro Area. We believe queer and trans houseless people face great burdens due to the intersection of their persecuted identities, and that they deserve greater support than is currently available to them. We will focus on organizations that provide shelter, basic necessities, medical care, and mental health resources to queer and trans houseless individuals, as well as those that provide counseling to LGBTQ+ people struggling with addiction. We would like to see a greater number of queer and trans individuals able to find shelter off of the streets and meet their basic needs, while also being given the opportunity to receive active mental health and addiction counseling.

MISSION STATEMENT 65: The CommuniCare students at Twality Middle School will be granting money to organizations who serve people experiencing homelessness by providing food and nutrition access or animal and pet care in the Portland Metro Area. We believe this is important because so many people have been displaced by COVID and the housing crisis, and they have been forced to take their pets and leave their homes. We hope to see shelters that provide housing for both people and their pets, as well as programs that provide food for pets and their humans. It is important that all people and animals are able to live comfortably.

MISSION STATEMENT 66: The CommuniCare students of Umatilla High School will be granting money to organizations providing services to people experiencing houselessness in or near the City of Umatilla, as well as organizations working to prevent houselessness. We firmly believe there needs to be more support for youth houselessness to allow them to break the cycle of poverty, gain stability, and build a brighter future for themselves. We will prioritize organizations that help youth experiencing houselessness in our community gain access to services including emergency shelter and other types of housing access initiatives. We would like to see a decrease in houselessness due to better outcomes from the organizations we select.

MISSION STATEMENT 74: We, the students of AVID 10 Period 2 at Grant High School, will be granting money to organizations battling teen substance abuse and addiction, and through those services, houselessness. We acknowledge that addiction is one of the main causes of houselessness in the Portland Metro Area and we believe all people deserve the right to shelter and safety. We believe addiction is a problem starting young, and that helping youth with addiction treatment will help them become supported and stable when they grow up. We will focus on organizations that specialize in youth treatment and rehabilitation. We hope to positively impact the lives of teens suffering from addiction and give them a safer, brighter future.

MISSION STATEMENT 61: This year, the St. Mary’s Academy CommuniCare Chapter is focused on helping teens navigate the complications of the foster care system. We will be using our funds to support nonprofits who provide advocacy for better legal opportunities and resources as well as community building for youth in the foster care system. As teens ourselves, we find it important to support our peers across Oregon who have fewer opportunities than we do. Through our funds, we hope to help minimize the systematic obstacles that many foster teens face.

MISSION STATEMENT 13: The CommuniCare students from Building Consent Culture at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations providing assistance to survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Multnomah County. We would like to see organizations that help survivors, who are also thinking upstream, and have found ways to try and prevent the violence from occurring in the first place. We will focus on organizations that specifically provide resources to youth, LGBTQIA+, POC, and those who have experienced addiction.

MISSION STATEMENT 53: The CommuniCare students at Northwest Academy will be granting money to organizations supporting queer and trans individuals struggling with houselessness and addiction in the Portland Metro Area. We believe queer and trans houseless people face great burdens due to the intersection of their persecuted identities, and that they deserve greater support than is currently available to them. We will focus on organizations that provide shelter, basic necessities, medical care, and mental health resources to queer and trans houseless individuals, as well as those that provide counseling to LGBTQ+ people struggling with addiction. We would like to see a greater number of queer and trans individuals able to find shelter off of the streets and meet their basic needs, while also being given the opportunity to receive active mental health and addiction counseling.

MISSION STATEMENT 70: The CommuniCare Club at Ida B. Wells High School is focusing on improving mental health in the City of Portland. We’re specifically focusing on mental health surrounding addiction and struggles that are present in LGBTQ+ communities. Mental health has been a prevalent topic in our community for a while now and we’d like to see people prioritize their mental health as well as reduce the stigma that surrounds it. Our funds will be put towards nonprofits who offer accessible mental health support services that include education, support programs, and healthy activities. With the money we raise, we hope to see a healthier community with a better understanding of mental health. We believe everybody should take care of themselves and that knowing how to care for their mental health is extremely important for our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 1: The Leadership students of Alliance at Meek know many youth and teens are struggling with drug and alcohol misuse and addiction, often as a way of coping with trauma and other challenges. Because we believe youth deserve access to safe spaces, treatment, support, and alternatives to help them live safely and joyfully, we will be granting money to nonprofit organizations in the greater Portland Metro Area that provide mental health services, drug and alcohol addiction support, and ongoing support, including recreation, arts, and creative activities for youth, especially those who work closely with schools to break down barriers to access for young people and their families. Through this giving, we would like to see an increased number of young people who have access to support for substance abuse as well as to ongoing care, and a decreased number of young people who struggle with substance abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 2: The students of Astoria Senior High School are recognizing the importance of quality mental health services and services that support those who have suffered from domestic/sexual violence. Our focus is on these serious topics because our student body brought these issues to the forefront of our school community, and we see the correlation between the two topics. The funds that our group raises will be used by nonprofits serving Clatsop County to meet our mission. The ultimate goal of the AHS CommuniCare students is to offer support and resources to assist in coping with the stated issues while providing a place for our students and other community members where they can feel safe.

MISSION STATEMENT 4: Benson Polytechnic High School’s 2nd Period Leadership Class is deeply committed to addressing the pressing mental health crisis in Portland. We believe struggles pertaining to mental health are universal. These struggles may be amplified for members of our community experiencing addiction. As Portlanders, we witness the impact of these crises on a daily basis. Our approach to address these issues is rooted in compassion, where comprehensive strategies for rehabilitation and harm reduction are utilized. As such, we wish to focus on nonprofits who work to address addiction and mental health as the interlinked crises that they are. In addition to comprehensive harm reduction services, we want to provide support to nonprofits who work to provide mental health resources.

MISSION STATEMENT 18: The McRhamigan Action Squad from Creekside Community High School will be granting money to organizations in Washington County and Multnomah County that serve at-risk youth, prioritizing housing support services, especially in scenarios involving mental health issues, addiction, and drug abuse. We believe housing is a necessity in order for youth to thrive. Stable housing provides a safe, secure base from which youth can engage with addiction and mental health support services. We will focus on organizations that provide the foundations of housing, specifically for historically marginalized youth. We would like to see at-risk youth set up on a pathway to success through improvement in their well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 20: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Mack’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School will be granting money to organizations providing services for those on the verge of houselessness. We believe there is a need of support for those soon to be houseless, with an emphasis on people struggling with addiction and mental health issues in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that provide therapy, counseling, and peer mentorship. Our goal is to see the rate of houselessness decrease and continue to be sustained over time throughout the Portland Metro Area.

MISSION STATEMENT 21: Ms. Montoya’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School, in collaboration with CommuniCare, plans to provide funding for organizations dedicated to enhancing healthcare and medical services for people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. Our primary areas of focus will be affordable mental and physical healthcare accessibility for the homeless population. By concentrating on these aspects, we aim to strengthen our community by offering comfort to individuals and fostering greater support for those who are experiencing homelessness. Our emphasis will be on nonprofit organizations specializing in medical care access and homelessness support, with the goal of disseminating these resources throughout the area. Our vision is to create a more convenient and affordable access to essential services without judgment, ultimately enhancing the well-being of the community.

MISSION STATEMENT 22: The CommuniCare students in Mr. VanVickle’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School aim to support mental health and affordable housing in hopes of creating a positive impact on the Multnomah County community. We believe there needs to be an easier way for those who need help to get it, and we will prioritize organizations who serve refugee and immigrant families. By improving access to resources, reducing stigma, and providing safe housing options, we bring hope to those in need. Let’s make a difference together!

MISSION STATEMENT 26: In the world today, we are faced with a lot of challenges. As the students of Glencoe High School, we are choosing to support nonprofits in the Portland Metro Area that are working to solve one of the biggest problems we are facing today – access to healthcare. Our goal is to highlight nonprofits that help with access and resources having to do with healthcare, whether it is specifically within hospitals or with mental health programs. We also want to acknowledge that healthcare should be for everyone no matter race, age, or gender and we want to support nonprofits that strive to work with all groups of people, although, we will prioritize organizations that serve people of all ages that wouldn’t usually have full access to healthcare due to their income. Access to healthcare is an umbrella term for many different categories, however, we would like to focus on organizations that provide healthcare services to those who are most in need in our community with resources such as therapy, support groups, and health benefits.

MISSION STATEMENT 28: The CommuniCare students in the National Honors Society Chapter at Gresham High School will be granting money to organizations dedicated to providing services for children in the foster care system in Oregon. We believe in supporting the disadvantaged youth in our community and want to see the impact we will make as a chapter with our grants. We will focus on organizations that plan on helping with parent rehabilitation (mental health services involving parents, drug rehabilitation, or services involving parent contact), mental health services for youth, and supporting the educational needs of foster youth. We would like to see the children in our foster care system have access to equitable opportunities along with support as they go through their adolescence.

MISSION STATEMENT 47: The CommuniCare students in Ms. Mahony’s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School want to support people in low-income areas from Portland. We would like to focus on organizations who can provide affordable or free health services for both mental and physical wellness. We chose this area of focus because being healthy is important, healthcare is expensive and hard to get, and accessible healthcare lowers stress and overall worries about money management. We would like to see more of the people who live in poverty, homelessness, and low-income areas get easier access to healthcare and wellness services.

MISSION STATEMENT 53: The CommuniCare students at Northwest Academy will be granting money to organizations supporting queer and trans individuals struggling with houselessness and addiction in the Portland Metro Area. We believe queer and trans houseless people face great burdens due to the intersection of their persecuted identities, and that they deserve greater support than is currently available to them. We will focus on organizations that provide shelter, basic necessities, medical care, and mental health resources to queer and trans houseless individuals, as well as those that provide counseling to LGBTQ+ people struggling with addiction. We would like to see a greater number of queer and trans individuals able to find shelter off of the streets and meet their basic needs, while also being given the opportunity to receive active mental health and addiction counseling.

MISSION STATEMENT 55: The CommuniCare students at Open School East (Group 2) will be granting money to organizations that focus on mental health services for Portland Metro Area youth. We believe young adults should have access to mental health services because young people are the key to a positive future. We will focus on organizations that provide mental health services for young adults of all genders and racial identities. We would like to see young people of Portland accomplish the things they love to do to better themselves and to secure a healthy and prosperous future.

MISSION STATEMENT 57: The students in the CommuniCare Club at Pendleton High School will be granting money to organizations in Eastern Oregon that support survivors of domestic or sexual violence and/or provide mental health resources or services. We will prioritize organizations that serve residents of Umatilla County and organizations that serve youth or teens. These issues have become a bigger problem in recent years, affecting many in our community and we want a better quality of life for everyone dealing with these challenges. We hope to support programs that seek to reach young people in this region in the hopes of offering education and insight about mental health and sexual violence, as well as providing services to others. We would like everyone in our community to feel safe and for there to be fewer barriers to getting help, as well as to lessen the stigma around these issues. We want to open doors for more people to receive help and for everyone to have access to safe spaces to share their experiences and to heal.

MISSION STATEMENT 60: The students of Seaside High School Key Club will be granting money to local organizations that provide services to the environment and medical and mental health care access within Clatsop County. We believe there needs to be more support for keeping our local environment clean and the ability for our community to access medical and mental care, specifically youth. We will be focusing on organizations that give back to our community through efforts to keep it clean and provide the easy opportunity for people to access affordable healthcare, including organizations looking to help those facing challenges with their mental health. As a result of our grants, we hope to see our beaches and other public areas clean in the hopes of making an improvement in the climate, and people of low- income, specifically youth, having better resources to get the help they need.

MISSION STATEMENT 64: The CommuniCare students at Tualatin High School will be granting money to organizations focusing on mental health support for youth with a special focus on those facing poverty in the Portland Metro Area. According to the Oregon State University College of Health, “Oregon consistently ranks among the worst states in the nation in indicators of mental health. Youth mental and behavioral health ranks just as poorly; suicide is the second leading cause of death for young adults.” To combat this, we will focus on organizations that provide personalized and accessible mental health support for youth struggling with poverty throughout Washington and Clackamas counties. We believe the youth of our community should feel safe and supported, so we are choosing to work with organizations that provide safe and accessible mental health resources to youth no matter the cost.

MISSION STATEMENT 68: The CommuniCare students from Ida B. Wells High School’s Advanced Leadership Class will be granting money to organizations that focus on providing support to teens experiencing mental health issues in the Portland Metro Area. We believe there needs to be more direct mental health care for teens who lack access to therapy in our community. We will focus on organizations that provide immediate help — such as teen hotlines, low-income therapy options, and affordable treatment — to teenagers who are experiencing mental crises. We would like to see our peers have the resources and tools they need to thrive in increasingly challenging environments and systems.

MISSION STATEMENT 69: The Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School Leadership CommuniCare Group will support survivors of gun violence and pursue legislative change that reduces the number of public shootings. We want to grant money to nonprofits that support survivors of gun violence and provide mental health services for youth in Oregon. There needs to be more resources for people who have experienced or been around gun violence, like support groups, accessible therapy, financial aid, and planned community vigils. We’ll support organizations that work directly with the students and offer in-person support. Addressing and combating the issue of gun violence will create safer, understanding, and better communities. Our goal is to help prevent gun violence, and try to remedy the wounds already inflicted.

MISSION STATEMENT 70: The CommuniCare Club at Ida B. Wells High School is focusing on improving mental health in the City of Portland. We’re specifically focusing on mental health surrounding addiction and struggles that are present in LGBTQ+ communities. Mental health has been a prevalent topic in our community for a while now and we’d like to see people prioritize their mental health as well as reduce the stigma that surrounds it. Our funds will be put towards nonprofits who offer accessible mental health support services that include education, support programs, and healthy activities. With the money we raise, we hope to see a healthier community with a better understanding of mental health. We believe everybody should take care of themselves and that knowing how to care for their mental health is extremely important for our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 72: We, the AVID 12 students at Benson Polytechnic High School, will be granting money to organizations that provide services around gun violence and safety in Multnomah County. We believe our community is impacted by gun violence in many ways. We know Portland families and communities are suffering because the rate of deaths by guns has steadily increased during just our time in high school. We will focus on organizations that work to promote gun safety, prevent gun violence, and help individuals and families who have experienced the effects of gun violence – this can include, but is not limited to: gang-related homicide, domestic violence, and suicide. We would like to see increased safety in our community, and the rates of gun-related deaths decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 2: The students of Astoria Senior High School are recognizing the importance of quality mental health services and services that support those who have suffered from domestic/sexual violence. Our focus is on these serious topics because our student body brought these issues to the forefront of our school community, and we see the correlation between the two topics. The funds that our group raises will be used by nonprofits serving Clatsop County to meet our mission. The ultimate goal of the AHS CommuniCare students is to offer support and resources to assist in coping with the stated issues while providing a place for our students and other community members where they can feel safe.

MISSION STATEMENT 3: The Leadership Club at Astoria Middle School will be granting money to nonprofits in Clatsop County that protect animals and the environment. We believe all animals should be taken care of and that wild animals deserve a healthy and clean environment to live in. We will focus on organizations that clean up and protect the environment or that rescue, rehome, and care for stray pets and wild animals.

MISSION STATEMENT 60: The students of Seaside High School Key Club will be granting money to local organizations that provide services to the environment and medical and mental health care access within Clatsop County. We believe there needs to be more support for keeping our local environment clean and the ability for our community to access medical and mental care, specifically youth. We will be focusing on organizations that give back to our community through efforts to keep it clean and provide the easy opportunity for people to access affordable healthcare, including organizations looking to help those facing challenges with their mental health. As a result of our grants, we hope to see our beaches and other public areas clean in the hopes of making an improvement in the climate, and people of low- income, specifically youth, having better resources to get the help they need.

MISSION STATEMENT 67: The CommuniCare students at Warrenton High School will be granting money to organizations that serve survivors of domestic violence and people experiencing food and essentials insecurities in Clatsop County, Oregon. We believe these are large issues in our community and we see it directly everyday. We feel that people should have access to the food, essentials, and safety they need, and we will focus on organizations that provide the essentials and securities that our community lacks and deserves. We would like to see the people in our community receive the support they need and have a safe place to go.

MISSION STATEMENT 8: Central Catholic High School’s Gold Group is committed to serving those with disabilities in the Portland Metro Area experiencing poverty. We will be using our funds to support organizations that provide employment opportunities, basic needs services, and affordable housing to those that live at the intersection of poverty and disability. Access to resources may be difficult due to the current financial crisis in Portland, and we want to see all members of our community thriving regardless of ability level.

MISSION STATEMENT 54: The CommuniCare students at Open School East (Group 1) will be granting money to organizations that provide access to medical care to Portland Metro Area youth. We believe access to healthcare can support and uplift those in our community suffering from disability, addiction, and mental illness. We will focus on organizations that provide medical care and support to young adults in the Portland Metro Area. We hope to see the youth of the Portland Metro Area become stronger and healthier, both for themselves and our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 59: The Philanthropy Group at Roosevelt High School will be granting money to organizations that provide resources and support services to help teens and young adults with disabilities and neurological differences. The goal is to create a better transition to life after high school. We believe all members of our community should live fulfilling and meaningful lives, regardless of ability level or unique neurological identity. We will focus on organizations that work in the North Portland community and that give students the support they need while providing smooth transitions from high school to any option that comes after. We would like to see all members of our community living, working, and socializing with a sense of inclusion and support.

MISSION STATEMENT 12: Cleveland High School’s 7th Period Leadership students care deeply about the effects of climate change on people of color. We will support organizations in Portland that work to combat the climate-change-facilitating effects created by redlining, gentrification, and infrastructure in historically underserved communities. We aim to alleviate the added pressure people of color face due to climate change.

MISSION STATEMENT 14: The CommuniCare students of C.A.R.E. Leadership at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations focused on criminal justice reform and providing services for BIPOC in the Portland Metro Area. Since injustices in the criminal justice system is a persistent systemic issue that disproportionately impacts BIPOC, we believe there needs to be services that directly aid people within the system and those who have exited it to exercise their rights. We will focus on organizations that provide services to BIPOC who have faced or currently are facing discrimination within the justice system through direct and individual support, such as providing bail assistance or legal aid. Our goal is to create a positive impact by supporting organizations that are passionate about helping individuals facing unfair or biased convictions, and preventing innocent people from being wrongfully incarcerated.

MISSION STATEMENT 7: Central Catholic High School’s Cardinal Group is deeply concerned about the quality of life of immigrants and refugees in the greater Portland Metro Area. We will be using our funds to support organizations that offer immigrants and refugees access to services such as medical care, affordable housing, and employment opportunities. We are looking to fund nonprofits that directly support and advocate for the well-being of immigrants and refugees. We believe everyone deserves to thrive in the State of Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 10: The CommuniCare Chapter here at Clackamas High School is committed to supporting immigrant communities within the Portland Metro Area. Our goal is to help migrant families overcome food insecurities, gain access to educational opportunities, and improve their overall quality of life. We hope our work will ease the strain on this valuable cornerstone of our community. Together we thrive.

MISSION STATEMENT 22: The CommuniCare students in Mr. VanVickle’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School aim to support mental health and affordable housing in hopes of creating a positive impact on the Multnomah County community. We believe there needs to be an easier way for those who need help to get it, and we will prioritize organizations who serve refugee and immigrant families. By improving access to resources, reducing stigma, and providing safe housing options, we bring hope to those in need. Let’s make a difference together!

MISSION STATEMENT 24: The Grey Student Store Management & Philanthropy students at Franklin High School will be granting money to organizations providing food and nutrition access and services to refugees/immigrants in the Portland community. We believe access to nutritious food is a crucial step in supporting those in need, and we want to help refugee and immigrant families in their transition. By supporting these members of our community in obtaining food security, we hope to see an increase in immigrant families’ health by meeting basic nutritional needs and lessening their financial burden. Additionally, we hope to see an easier adjustment into their new environment that allows them to assimilate into our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 30: We the students of Hillsboro High School IB Period 2 have partnered with CommuniCare to grant money to organizations that provide homelessness aid and greater access to healthcare for immigrants in the Washington County area. We believe there needs to be more support in these areas because it’s a huge issue for the community and it’s disgusting that people who immigrate for a better life can’t receive equal opportunities as those who had the luxury to be born here. We will focus on organizations who help immigrants in our community adjust to a new environment and gain access to the standard necessities that all humans should be able to access. We would like for immigrants to be able to have easier access to affordable healthcare and housing in their new area and hopefully see the numbers of unhoused immigrants decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 33: This is the Human Rights Club at Jefferson High School. We are deeply passionate about helping and supporting people affected by border conflicts, including children. This might be because of land disputes, economic instability, and/or crimes which can displace people. Considering what is happening in the world today, we want to focus on organizations that help refugees who come from all parts of the world. Specifically, we will prioritize organizations offering support in catering to the basic needs of refugees in Oregon, including food, housing, and clothes. We would like to see even the slightest improvement in their living conditions and overall well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 43: The students in Profe Marisol Kreuzer 7th Period Freshmen Leadership and Inquiry Class at Lincoln High School have decided as a group to focus our efforts on helping organizations that support the houseless and give them access to the medical care they need. We are looking to grant money to nonprofits that provide medical care to people experiencing houselessness, specifically single parents, immigrants, and/or foster youth in the Portland Metro Area. We chose our focus as a class because, as a high school downtown, we are witnesses to homelessness and we understand that people need help. Being without shelter and without necessary supplies for so long can increase someone’s need for medical care. We hope our grants can lift some stress off of people’s backs and make their lives easier, because everyone should be able to access medical care, and it is especially important in times of need. We hope these people can get the care they require, but we understand that not all organizations will serve all of these groups. Our goal is to have a positive impact on our community and the well-being of downtown Portland.

MISSION STATEMENT 56: The CommuniCare students at Oregon Episcopal School will grant our funds to organizations committed to providing solutions to ensure affordable housing for immigrants and refugees in Portland. We believe there needs to be a support system to ensure stability as newcomers arrive in our community. We will focus on organizations that provide immigrants and refugees with resources and social support so that they may feel welcomed, find their footing, and begin a new life here in the Portland Metro Area. We believe that by offering stable housing and social support, new immigrants to the Portland area will enrich our community. They will need support as they start this new chapter in their lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 63: The Period 6 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be supporting immigrants and refugees that reside in the Portland Metro Area and Washington County. The United States, a country whose values include freedom and opportunity, should set a precedent in making sure everyone has a better life, but we know that is sometimes not the case, especially for newcomers. We believe immigrants and refugees arrive already disadvantaged and undermined due to the hardships of leaving their homeland and experiencing issues such as racism, discrimination, and marginalization in a new country. All immigrants and refugees deserve equitable opportunities to succeed and flourish socially and financially, but unfortunately are also often facing challenges for even basic necessities needed for survival, such as the burden of high medical costs and expensive housing. We will, therefore, prioritize nonprofits that assist with medical care and affordable housing so that they can focus more on the pursuit of happiness that we all deserve. We are passionate believers that immigrants and refugees benefit our society and help all of us become more diverse, leading to healthy, creative, innovative, and thriving communities. Immigrants are a vital part of our communities and we want our grants to make a positive, tangible, long-term impact on their lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 43: The students in Profe Marisol Kreuzer 7th Period Freshmen Leadership and Inquiry Class at Lincoln High School have decided as a group to focus our efforts on helping organizations that support the houseless and give them access to the medical care they need. We are looking to grant money to nonprofits that provide medical care to people experiencing houselessness, specifically single parents, immigrants, and/or foster youth in the Portland Metro Area. We chose our focus as a class because, as a high school downtown, we are witnesses to homelessness and we understand that people need help. Being without shelter and without necessary supplies for so long can increase someone’s need for medical care. We hope our grants can lift some stress off of people’s backs and make their lives easier, because everyone should be able to access medical care, and it is especially important in times of need. We hope these people can get the care they require, but we understand that not all organizations will serve all of these groups. Our goal is to have a positive impact on our community and the well-being of downtown Portland.

MISSION STATEMENT 1: The Leadership students of Alliance at Meek know many youth and teens are struggling with drug and alcohol misuse and addiction, often as a way of coping with trauma and other challenges. Because we believe youth deserve access to safe spaces, treatment, support, and alternatives to help them live safely and joyfully, we will be granting money to nonprofit organizations in the greater Portland Metro Area that provide mental health services, drug and alcohol addiction support, and ongoing support, including recreation, arts, and creative activities for youth, especially those who work closely with schools to break down barriers to access for young people and their families. Through this giving, we would like to see an increased number of young people who have access to support for substance abuse as well as to ongoing care, and a decreased number of young people who struggle with substance abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 23: The Forest Grove CommuniCare Committee will award our funds to organizations that provide and support therapeutic creative opportunities for Multnomah and Washington County adolescents outside of school-based academics. Our mission is to increase safe spaces for artistic opportunities that promote emotional and mental well-being. Art is a healthy outlet all youth are entitled to.

MISSION STATEMENT 28: The CommuniCare students in the National Honors Society Chapter at Gresham High School will be granting money to organizations dedicated to providing services for children in the foster care system in Oregon. We believe in supporting the disadvantaged youth in our community and want to see the impact we will make as a chapter with our grants. We will focus on organizations that plan on helping with parent rehabilitation (mental health services involving parents, drug rehabilitation, or services involving parent contact), mental health services for youth, and supporting the educational needs of foster youth. We would like to see the children in our foster care system have access to equitable opportunities along with support as they go through their adolescence.

MISSION STATEMENT 35: The CommuniCare Club at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that provide help to children who are survivors of child abuse. We wish to grant money to organizations located in Oregon, specifically organizations located in Portland and Southern Oregon. We believe children who are survivors of child abuse need to be supported in every way possible in order for them to find their footing again. Our focus will be towards organizations that support survivors of abuse after they have been removed from abusive households and help educate community members on how to recognize abuse and support those facing abuse. The outcome we would like to see is a more educated community when recognizing signs of abuse, as well as improved services for survivors of abuse in Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 51: The Business Management students of McDaniel High School are deeply concerned about the lack of financial support for low-income students, specifically in North or Northeast Portland. This is important because many of us have seen or experienced missed opportunities due to lack of funds and we don’t want any member of our community to be left out. We will focus on helping nonprofits in our community that provide scholarships and seek to connect students of any age to activities that are both educational and extracurricular, including, but not limited to sports, academic trips, tutoring, college or other post-high school scholarships, or opportunities for the elderly. We want to empower people of all backgrounds to experience their dreams without the fear of financial burdens.

MISSION STATEMENT 59: The Philanthropy Group at Roosevelt High School will be granting money to organizations that provide resources and support services to help teens and young adults with disabilities and neurological differences. The goal is to create a better transition to life after high school. We believe all members of our community should live fulfilling and meaningful lives, regardless of ability level or unique neurological identity. We will focus on organizations that work in the North Portland community and that give students the support they need while providing smooth transitions from high school to any option that comes after. We would like to see all members of our community living, working, and socializing with a sense of inclusion and support.

MISSION STATEMENT 73: We are Grant High School’s AVID 10 CommuniCare students (Period 1) and we are granting money to improve Oregon’s foster care system, with specialized focus on BIPOC people within the foster care system as well as those leaving it. We will grant our funds to organizations serving the greater Portland Metro Area that offer support to children and young adults both within and exiting the system to help them live happily and healthily. We will focus on organizations that offer this aid preferably through mentorship and specialized support groups, as well as organizations that help in the placement and security of children. We wish to support safer and more stable living environments for those within Oregon’s foster care system, including long-term stability with the help of mentors and organizations that will be able to guide these people through their time in the foster care system as well as those who are leaving it. We believe the foster care system has been failing children over and over again for years, and some children are moved repeatedly from home to home. We believe children and young adults deserve to be respected, seen, and supported.

MISSION STATEMENT 1: The Leadership students of Alliance at Meek know many youth and teens are struggling with drug and alcohol misuse and addiction, often as a way of coping with trauma and other challenges. Because we believe youth deserve access to safe spaces, treatment, support, and alternatives to help them live safely and joyfully, we will be granting money to nonprofit organizations in the greater Portland Metro Area that provide mental health services, drug and alcohol addiction support, and ongoing support, including recreation, arts, and creative activities for youth, especially those who work closely with schools to break down barriers to access for young people and their families. Through this giving, we would like to see an increased number of young people who have access to support for substance abuse as well as to ongoing care, and a decreased number of young people who struggle with substance abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 2: The students of Astoria Senior High School are recognizing the importance of quality mental health services and services that support those who have suffered from domestic/sexual violence. Our focus is on these serious topics because our student body brought these issues to the forefront of our school community, and we see the correlation between the two topics. The funds that our group raises will be used by nonprofits serving Clatsop County to meet our mission. The ultimate goal of the AHS CommuniCare students is to offer support and resources to assist in coping with the stated issues while providing a place for our students and other community members where they can feel safe.

MISSION STATEMENT 3: The Leadership Club at Astoria Middle School will be granting money to nonprofits in Clatsop County that protect animals and the environment. We believe all animals should be taken care of and that wild animals deserve a healthy and clean environment to live in. We will focus on organizations that clean up and protect the environment or that rescue, rehome, and care for stray pets and wild animals.

MISSION STATEMENT 4: Benson Polytechnic High School’s 2nd Period Leadership Class is deeply committed to addressing the pressing mental health crisis in Portland. We believe struggles pertaining to mental health are universal. These struggles may be amplified for members of our community experiencing addiction. As Portlanders, we witness the impact of these crises on a daily basis. Our approach to address these issues is rooted in compassion, where comprehensive strategies for rehabilitation and harm reduction are utilized. As such, we wish to focus on nonprofits who work to address addiction and mental health as the interlinked crises that they are. In addition to comprehensive harm reduction services, we want to provide support to nonprofits who work to provide mental health resources.

MISSION STATEMENT 5: The 5th Period Leadership students at Benson Polytechnic High School will be granting money to organizations providing housing and addiction support for those struggling with homelessness in the Multnomah County/Portland Metro Area. We believe housing and addiction support often go hand-in-hand and these issues tend to be dealt with by masking instead of solving the matter at hand. We will focus on organizations that provide housing and rehabilitation services for those who are struggling with addiction. We would like to see a decrease in both the number of people experiencing homelessness and the amount of substance abuse in our community. We would also like to see people affected by homelessness and addiction given greater opportunities to support themselves after gaining housing and sobriety.

MISSION STATEMENT 6: The mission of the CommuniCare Club at Catlin Gabel this year is to address food security for everyone. We firmly believe that having access to healthy and sustainable food is a basic human right, and we’ve observed a growing problem stemming from inadequate access. Our primary approach is to raise and grant funds to organizations in the Portland Metro Area that address these issues.

MISSION STATEMENT 7: Central Catholic High School’s Cardinal Group is deeply concerned about the quality of life of immigrants and refugees in the greater Portland Metro Area. We will be using our funds to support organizations that offer immigrants and refugees access to services such as medical care, affordable housing, and employment opportunities. We are looking to fund nonprofits that directly support and advocate for the well-being of immigrants and refugees. We believe everyone deserves to thrive in the State of Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 8: Central Catholic High School’s Gold Group is committed to serving those with disabilities in the Portland Metro Area experiencing poverty. We will be using our funds to support organizations that provide employment opportunities, basic needs services, and affordable housing to those that live at the intersection of poverty and disability. Access to resources may be difficult due to the current financial crisis in Portland, and we want to see all members of our community thriving regardless of ability level.

MISSION STATEMENT 9: Our Civics and Community Service Class at Century High School will be working with CommuniCare to provide grants to organizations that address the relief and recovery of survivors of domestic and sexual violence as well as the prevention of the act in Hillsboro, Oregon. We are deeply saddened by the people we see who suffer and who are not only present in our community but in need of proper resources to improve their situations and/or be safely removed from them. We are looking for nonprofit organizations that hold a positive influence on those of all ages so they can recover despite the limited resources and connections available.

MISSION STATEMENT 10: The CommuniCare Chapter here at Clackamas High School is committed to supporting immigrant communities within the Portland Metro Area. Our goal is to help migrant families overcome food insecurities, gain access to educational opportunities, and improve their overall quality of life. We hope our work will ease the strain on this valuable cornerstone of our community. Together we thrive.

MISSION STATEMENT 11: We the 6th Period Leadership students at Cleveland High School are deeply impacted by the suffering the greater Portland Metro Area community is experiencing due to substance abuse. We have seen the drug crisis and the pain our peers experience firsthand. As Leadership students, we are dedicated to supporting young adults struggling with addiction; prioritizing fentanyl. We are committed to ensuring that members of our community get the help and support they need.

MISSION STATEMENT 12: Cleveland High School’s 7th Period Leadership students care deeply about the effects of climate change on people of color. We will support organizations in Portland that work to combat the climate-change-facilitating effects created by redlining, gentrification, and infrastructure in historically underserved communities. We aim to alleviate the added pressure people of color face due to climate change.

MISSION STATEMENT 13: The CommuniCare students from Building Consent Culture at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations providing assistance to survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Multnomah County. We would like to see organizations that help survivors, who are also thinking upstream, and have found ways to try and prevent the violence from occurring in the first place. We will focus on organizations that specifically provide resources to youth, LGBTQIA+, POC, and those who have experienced addiction.

MISSION STATEMENT 14: The CommuniCare students of C.A.R.E. Leadership at Cleveland High School will be granting money to organizations focused on criminal justice reform and providing services for BIPOC in the Portland Metro Area. Since injustices in the criminal justice system is a persistent systemic issue that disproportionately impacts BIPOC, we believe there needs to be services that directly aid people within the system and those who have exited it to exercise their rights. We will focus on organizations that provide services to BIPOC who have faced or currently are facing discrimination within the justice system through direct and individual support, such as providing bail assistance or legal aid. Our goal is to create a positive impact by supporting organizations that are passionate about helping individuals facing unfair or biased convictions, and preventing innocent people from being wrongfully incarcerated.

MISSION STATEMENT 15: The CommuniCare students of Action Squad 2 at Creekside Community High School will be granting money to organizations providing services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Portland and the surrounding community. We believe everyone experiencing this should be able to get help; we have been through this and struggled to get help ourselves. We will focus on organizations who support anyone experiencing the effects of sexual and domestic violence, prioritizing those who serve Washington County and the Creekside community. We would like to see people not going through this alone, people feeling safe in their autonomy, and people feeling safe asking for help.

MISSION STATEMENT 16: We are Action Squad 3 at Creekside Community High School and we are concerned about access to healthcare in Washington County. We chose this service area because healthcare is expensive and difficult to access, especially for those with lower incomes or people experiencing houselessness. A lot of people in these groups are struggling with health problems, as well as with accessing and affording care. We would specifically like to improve access to medication and prescriptions, diagnostics, life-saving surgery, trauma treatment, and treatment for learning disorders. We want to guide a path towards a future where healthcare is accessible to all those who need it.

MISSION STATEMENT 17: We are Action Squad 5 at Creekside Community High School and we will be donating funds to organizations that help wildlife in the greater Portland Metro Area. We are passionate about helping wild animals and want to see them healthy and cared for. We will be supporting organizations that provide rescue and rehabilitation for wild animals, especially those that have been displaced because of climate change events like natural disasters or weather events, or organizations that save animals from dangerous facilities in other states or countries. We hope that in the future all animals will have help, safety, and a healthy environment, especially because they cannot help themselves.

MISSION STATEMENT 18: The McRhamigan Action Squad from Creekside Community High School will be granting money to organizations in Washington County and Multnomah County that serve at-risk youth, prioritizing housing support services, especially in scenarios involving mental health issues, addiction, and drug abuse. We believe housing is a necessity in order for youth to thrive. Stable housing provides a safe, secure base from which youth can engage with addiction and mental health support services. We will focus on organizations that provide the foundations of housing, specifically for historically marginalized youth. We would like to see at-risk youth set up on a pathway to success through improvement in their well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 19: We, the Student Council of David Douglas High School, in collaboration with CommuniCare, will be granting money to organizations that provide food and nutrition access to youth and families in the East Portland area. As Portland undergoes an intense food desert, there exists a noticeable lack of accessible and nutritious food – a most basic human right. To approach the issue, we strongly feel more longstanding solutions need to be put in place. We will focus on organizations that not only provide fresh foods but specialize in sustainable programs that fulfill families’ needs, such as cooking classes and food planning. By providing easy and affordable access to food, we aim for youth and families to be nutritionally sound, healthy, and overall set up for success.

MISSION STATEMENT 20: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Mack’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School will be granting money to organizations providing services for those on the verge of houselessness. We believe there is a need of support for those soon to be houseless, with an emphasis on people struggling with addiction and mental health issues in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that provide therapy, counseling, and peer mentorship. Our goal is to see the rate of houselessness decrease and continue to be sustained over time throughout the Portland Metro Area.

MISSION STATEMENT 21: Ms. Montoya’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School, in collaboration with CommuniCare, plans to provide funding for organizations dedicated to enhancing healthcare and medical services for people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. Our primary areas of focus will be affordable mental and physical healthcare accessibility for the homeless population. By concentrating on these aspects, we aim to strengthen our community by offering comfort to individuals and fostering greater support for those who are experiencing homelessness. Our emphasis will be on nonprofit organizations specializing in medical care access and homelessness support, with the goal of disseminating these resources throughout the area. Our vision is to create a more convenient and affordable access to essential services without judgment, ultimately enhancing the well-being of the community.

MISSION STATEMENT 22: The CommuniCare students in Mr. VanVickle’s Link Crew Class at David Douglas High School aim to support mental health and affordable housing in hopes of creating a positive impact on the Multnomah County community. We believe there needs to be an easier way for those who need help to get it, and we will prioritize organizations who serve refugee and immigrant families. By improving access to resources, reducing stigma, and providing safe housing options, we bring hope to those in need. Let’s make a difference together!

MISSION STATEMENT 23: The Forest Grove CommuniCare Committee will award our funds to organizations that provide and support therapeutic creative opportunities for Multnomah and Washington County adolescents outside of school-based academics. Our mission is to increase safe spaces for artistic opportunities that promote emotional and mental well-being. Art is a healthy outlet all youth are entitled to.

MISSION STATEMENT 24: The Grey Student Store Management & Philanthropy students at Franklin High School will be granting money to organizations providing food and nutrition access and services to refugees/immigrants in the Portland community. We believe access to nutritious food is a crucial step in supporting those in need, and we want to help refugee and immigrant families in their transition. By supporting these members of our community in obtaining food security, we hope to see an increase in immigrant families’ health by meeting basic nutritional needs and lessening their financial burden. Additionally, we hope to see an easier adjustment into their new environment that allows them to assimilate into our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 25: The Maroon Chapter of the Student Store Management & Philanthropy group at Franklin High School will be granting money to organizations focusing on providing nutrition access and education to the people living in the Multnomah County area who are struggling with food insecurity. We know food is a necessity to live, and making sure everyone can access proper nourishment is very important to us. We would like to see our community well fed with nutritious food and equipped with the knowledge to continue accessing these resources. Our ultimate goal is to see hunger rates drop within our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 26: In the world today, we are faced with a lot of challenges. As the students of Glencoe High School, we are choosing to support nonprofits in the Portland Metro Area that are working to solve one of the biggest problems we are facing today – access to healthcare. Our goal is to highlight nonprofits that help with access and resources having to do with healthcare, whether it is specifically within hospitals or with mental health programs. We also want to acknowledge that healthcare should be for everyone no matter race, age, or gender and we want to support nonprofits that strive to work with all groups of people, although, we will prioritize organizations that serve people of all ages that wouldn’t usually have full access to healthcare due to their income. Access to healthcare is an umbrella term for many different categories, however, we would like to focus on organizations that provide healthcare services to those who are most in need in our community with resources such as therapy, support groups, and health benefits.

MISSION STATEMENT 27: The Grant High School CommuniCare Club will be granting money to organizations providing support for survivors of domestic violence in the Portland Metro Area. We chose to focus on this service area because of how difficult escaping situations of domestic violence can be. Our focus will be on organizations that provide systems of support that contribute to the ongoing stability and security for these survivors. In the end, we are hoping to help support survivors of domestic violence in building better and safer lives for themselves.

MISSION STATEMENT 28: The CommuniCare students in the National Honors Society Chapter at Gresham High School will be granting money to organizations dedicated to providing services for children in the foster care system in Oregon. We believe in supporting the disadvantaged youth in our community and want to see the impact we will make as a chapter with our grants. We will focus on organizations that plan on helping with parent rehabilitation (mental health services involving parents, drug rehabilitation, or services involving parent contact), mental health services for youth, and supporting the educational needs of foster youth. We would like to see the children in our foster care system have access to equitable opportunities along with support as they go through their adolescence.

MISSION STATEMENT 29: The Hermiston High School Key Club has put together a committee to participate in the CommuniCare program. As a committee, our mission for this project is to make an impactful contribution to the welfare of domestic stray animals, specifically by granting money to animal shelters and rescue organizations. We will prioritize organizations in the Hermiston, Umatilla, and Pendleton areas, but we will consider organizations serving other Eastern Oregon communities. We firmly believe that all domestic animals deserve proper living conditions in order to flourish within their respective communities. We aim to help organizations that do not have enough space or need more resources to provide animals with the best care possible. As a result of our help, we hope to supply our local animal welfare organizations with more resources to benefit the animals they serve.

MISSION STATEMENT 30: We the students of Hillsboro High School IB Period 2 have partnered with CommuniCare to grant money to organizations that provide homelessness aid and greater access to healthcare for immigrants in the Washington County area. We believe there needs to be more support in these areas because it’s a huge issue for the community and it’s disgusting that people who immigrate for a better life can’t receive equal opportunities as those who had the luxury to be born here. We will focus on organizations who help immigrants in our community adjust to a new environment and gain access to the standard necessities that all humans should be able to access. We would like for immigrants to be able to have easier access to affordable healthcare and housing in their new area and hopefully see the numbers of unhoused immigrants decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 31: Hillsboro High School IB Period 3 is concerned for our community members who are facing homelessness. In addition, many homeless individuals do not have access to healthcare. When homeless individuals can’t have access to healthcare, their existing health issues may worsen, making it harder for them to get back on their feet and find employment or stable housing. This creates a vicious cycle that makes it challenging to escape homelessness. We will be using our funds to support organizations that serve individuals in the Washington County community who are homeless and are in severe need of healthcare aid. We are specifically focusing on low-income and homeless individuals. Addressing both homelessness and healthcare access is crucial to break this cycle.

MISSION STATEMENT 32: The CommuniCare students, a part of Jefferson High School’s Black Student Union, will be granting money to organizations that provide services and support to BIPOC youth struggling with substance misuse in the Portland Metropolitan Area. BIPOC are more susceptible to addiction and less likely to receive services. We would like to support organizations with an aligned vision of substance abuse prevention and who offer intervention for the affected community. As students, we recognize the struggles youth face regarding substance abuse, and we seek to minimize that struggle and offer support to those who are impacted by the issue. We will focus on organizations that help prevent and support BIPOC dealing with substance use and work to heal the negative effects on communities. We would like to see organizations focusing on tangible steps toward addressing this issue.

MISSION STATEMENT 33: This is the Human Rights Club at Jefferson High School. We are deeply passionate about helping and supporting people affected by border conflicts, including children. This might be because of land disputes, economic instability, and/or crimes which can displace people. Considering what is happening in the world today, we want to focus on organizations that help refugees who come from all parts of the world. Specifically, we will prioritize organizations offering support in catering to the basic needs of refugees in Oregon, including food, housing, and clothes. We would like to see even the slightest improvement in their living conditions and overall well-being.

MISSION STATEMENT 34: The CommuniCare Club at La Salle Prep will be granting money to organizations that provide services to people facing addictions in the Portland Metro Area and Clackamas County. We believe there is much to be understood about such a misunderstood topic, especially today in Portland as we try to decriminalize the use of hard drugs, but with little success helping people into rehabilitation services. We hope to understand the root causes of addiction and bring humanization to the topic. We recognize the complicated nuances to the fentanyl crisis and hope to learn more about the risk so we can bring prevention tactics to our La Salle community.

MISSION STATEMENT 35: The CommuniCare Club at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that provide help to children who are survivors of child abuse. We wish to grant money to organizations located in Oregon, specifically organizations located in Portland and Southern Oregon. We believe children who are survivors of child abuse need to be supported in every way possible in order for them to find their footing again. Our focus will be towards organizations that support survivors of abuse after they have been removed from abusive households and help educate community members on how to recognize abuse and support those facing abuse. The outcome we would like to see is a more educated community when recognizing signs of abuse, as well as improved services for survivors of abuse in Oregon.

MISSION STATEMENT 36: Ms. Hindman’s 2nd Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School has a mission to provide necessary healthcare and hygiene services for people experiencing homelessness in Portland. We value human life no matter what their predicaments are and believe everyone deserves basic needs. We also experience and see people experiencing homelessness every day outside of our school, which breaks our hearts, and we want to make an impact. It’s wrong that many of the people of Portland suffer from the lack of stable housing.

MISSION STATEMENT 37: The CommuniCare students in Ms. Hindman’s 3rd Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to nonprofit organizations specializing in addiction support services for people experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We want to help people get out of homelessness, focusing on drug use and addiction as a main cause of instability. We will focus on nonprofits whose goal is to help homeless people get back on their feet. We are doing this because we want a safer environment for everyone in the Portland Metro Area, to help homeless numbers and addiction stats decrease, and to grow city engagement.

MISSION STATEMENT 38: Ms. Jarad’s 5th Period Lincoln High School FLI Class is deeply concerned about animal welfare in the City of Portland. We will be using our funds to support nonprofits that offer animal support in the Portland Metro Area. Because we think every animal should be free of harm, we will focus on organizations that help animals recover from abuse, trauma, abandonment, and injuries so they can find their forever homes. We believe all animals deserve to live happy and healthy lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 39: Mr. Peerenboom’s 7th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School is committed to promoting equal access to nutrition for all, with a particular emphasis on addressing issues of food and nutrition availability in the Northwest Oregon region. We acknowledge that economic difficulties, resulting from inflation and the increasing costs of nutritious food, impede certain individuals from obtaining wholesome meals. Our objective goes beyond mere sustenance; we strive to offer high-quality nourishment to those in need. Recognizing the significant disparities in food accessibility within our community, we have chosen to focus our efforts on the economically disadvantaged areas of Portland. We firmly believe that every individual deserves a dependable and sustainable source of nourishment.

MISSION STATEMENT 40: Lincoln High School students in Mr. Peerenboom’s 8th Period FLI Class have expressed much concern about people experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County, especially people who are seeking shelter around high traffic areas and other unsafe locations. Our funds will be dedicated to programs that aid homeless families with children by providing them with appropriate shelter, food, and safety. Organizations that set up the homeless community for long-lasting financial stability will be prioritized, as will organizations that offer people struggling with addiction a pathway to rehabilitation and stability. We believe everyone has the right to security and asylum.

MISSION STATEMENT 41: The 9th grade AVID students at Lincoln High School care deeply about the houseless crisis here in Portland and recognize that addiction is a large contributor. Every family should have access to resources to support their journey in fighting addiction and getting on their feet. We believe all families deserve a second chance. We will focus on organizations that prioritize families struggling with addiction who are experiencing houselessness. We would like to see more people getting treatment for addiction and helping their families. It may be too late to start over, but it’s never too late to change your ending.

MISSION STATEMENT 42: The Freshman Leadership and Inquiry students of Profe Marisol Kreuzer’s 6th Period Class at Lincoln High School are looking to grant money to nonprofit organizations that provide addiction support for young adults experiencing houselessness in downtown Portland. Due to our school being in the Portland Metro Area (downtown), we consistently see the neglect of those in need. Supporting less fortunate people in our community is important to us because we believe no one deserves to be living on the streets. As such, we will be prioritizing organizations that provide services to houseless youth struggling with addiction. We hope to one day be able to walk through a downtown Portland where all young adults are housed and are receiving the services they need, which will result in our city being a place where houselessness coupled with addiction is no longer a part of our reality.

MISSION STATEMENT 43: The students in Profe Marisol Kreuzer 7th Period Freshmen Leadership and Inquiry Class at Lincoln High School have decided as a group to focus our efforts on helping organizations that support the houseless and give them access to the medical care they need. We are looking to grant money to nonprofits that provide medical care to people experiencing houselessness, specifically single parents, immigrants, and/or foster youth in the Portland Metro Area. We chose our focus as a class because, as a high school downtown, we are witnesses to homelessness and we understand that people need help. Being without shelter and without necessary supplies for so long can increase someone’s need for medical care. We hope our grants can lift some stress off of people’s backs and make their lives easier, because everyone should be able to access medical care, and it is especially important in times of need. We hope these people can get the care they require, but we understand that not all organizations will serve all of these groups. Our goal is to have a positive impact on our community and the well-being of downtown Portland.

MISSION STATEMENT 44: The CommuniCare students of Ms. Klein-Wolf’s 7th Period Class will be granting money to organizations working to help houseless people in the Portland Metro Area through the transition period between emergency and permanent housing. All people deserve access to a safe place to live and opportunities to build fulfilling lives. We will focus on organizations that highlight helping those with addiction problems, youth, and elders who struggle to obtain the essentials they need to live. We believe the houselessness dilemma in Portland affects everyone and those facing houselessness can be silently suffering much closer to us than we realize.

MISSION STATEMENT 45: Ms. Klein-Wolf´s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School will be granting money to organizations that focus on providing stable and sustainable food systems that help people who are experiencing homelessness in the Portland Metro Area. We will focus on organizations that produce food in an environmentally friendly way, give food to those who need it, and ideally provide job opportunities. We believe that work like this can create lasting change by positively impacting our community. We would like to see our houseless population decrease and for sustainable food systems to help lower the climate change crisis by reducing food waste and/or using regenerative agricultural practices.

MISSION STATEMENT 46: The CommuniCare students of Mrs. Mahony’s Period 7 FLI Class are deeply concerned with the homelessness crisis in Portland, Oregon. We will be granting money to organizations that provide housing and addiction services to people of all ages who are experiencing homelessness. We will specifically be focusing on the Portland Metro Area, where we see a large homeless population. Everyone deserves shelter and a second chance.

MISSION STATEMENT 47: The CommuniCare students in Ms. Mahony’s 8th Period FLI Class at Lincoln High School want to support people in low-income areas from Portland. We would like to focus on organizations who can provide affordable or free health services for both mental and physical wellness. We chose this area of focus because being healthy is important, healthcare is expensive and hard to get, and accessible healthcare lowers stress and overall worries about money management. We would like to see more of the people who live in poverty, homelessness, and low-income areas get easier access to healthcare and wellness services.

MISSION STATEMENT 48: We are freshman students of Lincoln High School in Mr. Weed’s 6th Period FLI Class. We will be granting money to organizations in the Portland Metro Area that provide nutritional support to food insecure families. We believe everyone has the right to have nutritious food in order to feel successful in their everyday lives. We will focus on organizations who reach out to families with a lack of food to provide nutritional support. We would like to see our community thrive in a more positive and inclusive environment and to better the lives of the food insecure families in the Portland Metro Area.

MISSION STATEMENT 49: The McDaniel High School Justice Lab Class is granting money to organizations serving communities in and around the Portland Metropolitan Area focusing on the intersection of homelessness and environmental stewardship. The Justice Lab class seeks to fund programs that are addressing the twin crises of global climate change and extreme economic insecurity. Priority will be given to organizations that emphasize restorative justice practices in their work.

MISSION STATEMENT 50: The CommuniCare students of the McDaniel High School Business Launch Class will be granting money to organizations in Portland that support small businesses, which are the heart of our community! We want to support those getting started in business, especially underrepresented groups, immigrants, and those having a positive impact on the world. As business students and future business owners, we want to foster growth in this crucial part of our community. We are a diverse class and increasing diversity in the small business community is important to us. We hope to give new business owners the opportunity to learn and to get guidance as they begin their journey to become successful entrepreneurs. We are excited to see the impact of these new businesses on our community as they thrive and give back.

MISSION STATEMENT 51: The Business Management students of McDaniel High School are deeply concerned about the lack of financial support for low-income students, specifically in North or Northeast Portland. This is important because many of us have seen or experienced missed opportunities due to lack of funds and we don’t want any member of our community to be left out. We will focus on helping nonprofits in our community that provide scholarships and seek to connect students of any age to activities that are both educational and extracurricular, including, but not limited to sports, academic trips, tutoring, college or other post-high school scholarships, or opportunities for the elderly. We want to empower people of all backgrounds to experience their dreams without the fear of financial burdens.

MISSION STATEMENT 52: The Nixyàawii CommuniCare Chapter will work alongside nonprofit organizations to alleviate the negative circumstances faced by our houseless neighbors in Eastern Oregon. This issue deeply impacts all of us as Oregonians and by addressing it we can all take part in improving lives throughout our shared communities. We will strive to increase access to long-term solutions such as affordable shelter, clothing, nutrition, and educational services. We believe all people have dignity and basic human rights and should have access to these foundational services from which they can build a brighter tomorrow. We will prioritize our efforts in Umatilla County, but will also consider applications from across the state.

MISSION STATEMENT 53: The CommuniCare students at Northwest Academy will be granting money to organizations supporting queer and trans individuals struggling with houselessness and addiction in the Portland Metro Area. We believe queer and trans houseless people face great burdens due to the intersection of their persecuted identities, and that they deserve greater support than is currently available to them. We will focus on organizations that provide shelter, basic necessities, medical care, and mental health resources to queer and trans houseless individuals, as well as those that provide counseling to LGBTQ+ people struggling with addiction. We would like to see a greater number of queer and trans individuals able to find shelter off of the streets and meet their basic needs, while also being given the opportunity to receive active mental health and addiction counseling.

MISSION STATEMENT 54: The CommuniCare students at Open School East (Group 1) will be granting money to organizations that provide access to medical care to Portland Metro Area youth. We believe access to healthcare can support and uplift those in our community suffering from disability, addiction, and mental illness. We will focus on organizations that provide medical care and support to young adults in the Portland Metro Area. We hope to see the youth of the Portland Metro Area become stronger and healthier, both for themselves and our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 55: The CommuniCare students at Open School East (Group 2) will be granting money to organizations that focus on mental health services for Portland Metro Area youth. We believe young adults should have access to mental health services because young people are the key to a positive future. We will focus on organizations that provide mental health services for young adults of all genders and racial identities. We would like to see young people of Portland accomplish the things they love to do to better themselves and to secure a healthy and prosperous future.

MISSION STATEMENT 56: The CommuniCare students at Oregon Episcopal School will grant our funds to organizations committed to providing solutions to ensure affordable housing for immigrants and refugees in Portland. We believe there needs to be a support system to ensure stability as newcomers arrive in our community. We will focus on organizations that provide immigrants and refugees with resources and social support so that they may feel welcomed, find their footing, and begin a new life here in the Portland Metro Area. We believe that by offering stable housing and social support, new immigrants to the Portland area will enrich our community. They will need support as they start this new chapter in their lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 57: The students in the CommuniCare Club at Pendleton High School will be granting money to organizations in Eastern Oregon that support survivors of domestic or sexual violence and/or provide mental health resources or services. We will prioritize organizations that serve residents of Umatilla County and organizations that serve youth or teens. These issues have become a bigger problem in recent years, affecting many in our community and we want a better quality of life for everyone dealing with these challenges. We hope to support programs that seek to reach young people in this region in the hopes of offering education and insight about mental health and sexual violence, as well as providing services to others. We would like everyone in our community to feel safe and for there to be fewer barriers to getting help, as well as to lessen the stigma around these issues. We want to open doors for more people to receive help and for everyone to have access to safe spaces to share their experiences and to heal.

MISSION STATEMENT 58: The CommuniCare Group from Roosevelt High School’s Advanced Theatre Class is focused on providing grants to underfunded nonprofit organizations with performing and visual arts programs. We will give grants to developing organizations based in the Portland Metro Area that are focused on giving marginalized communities access to arts programs that wouldn’t normally be available, so the organizations can increase their size and influence (and by extension allow more people to participate in performing and visual arts). In the future our group envisions, all communities will have equal access to arts education regardless of social or economic status.

MISSION STATEMENT 59: The Philanthropy Group at Roosevelt High School will be granting money to organizations that provide resources and support services to help teens and young adults with disabilities and neurological differences. The goal is to create a better transition to life after high school. We believe all members of our community should live fulfilling and meaningful lives, regardless of ability level or unique neurological identity. We will focus on organizations that work in the North Portland community and that give students the support they need while providing smooth transitions from high school to any option that comes after. We would like to see all members of our community living, working, and socializing with a sense of inclusion and support.

MISSION STATEMENT 60: The students of Seaside High School Key Club will be granting money to local organizations that provide services to the environment and medical and mental health care access within Clatsop County. We believe there needs to be more support for keeping our local environment clean and the ability for our community to access medical and mental care, specifically youth. We will be focusing on organizations that give back to our community through efforts to keep it clean and provide the easy opportunity for people to access affordable healthcare, including organizations looking to help those facing challenges with their mental health. As a result of our grants, we hope to see our beaches and other public areas clean in the hopes of making an improvement in the climate, and people of low- income, specifically youth, having better resources to get the help they need.

MISSION STATEMENT 61: This year, the St. Mary’s Academy CommuniCare Chapter is focused on helping teens navigate the complications of the foster care system. We will be using our funds to support nonprofits who provide advocacy for better legal opportunities and resources as well as community building for youth in the foster care system. As teens ourselves, we find it important to support our peers across Oregon who have fewer opportunities than we do. Through our funds, we hope to help minimize the systematic obstacles that many foster teens face.

MISSION STATEMENT 62: The Period 2 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be granting money to organizations that support survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. We believe it’s important for survivors to be heard and helped throughout their journey of healing, while having access to all the resources and support that’s available. We’ve seen this type of violence take a toll in our close circles and our communities. We strongly believe survivors deserve justice and empowerment and we want them to feel safe and cared for during such a difficult, traumatic chapter of their life. We will focus on organizations that prioritize medical care, including mental health and addiction support, as well as access to basic necessities like food and housing assistance. We want our grant money to support the physical and mental health of survivors in the Portland Metro Area, with priority to nonprofits that serve young survivors and their families in Washington County. We would like to see survivors benefit from our grants to help them live happy lives without fear of abuse or violence and create fulfilling lives with opportunities for healthier relationships, stronger communities, and education to break the cycle of abuse.

MISSION STATEMENT 63: The Period 6 AVID 10 Class of 2026 will be supporting immigrants and refugees that reside in the Portland Metro Area and Washington County. The United States, a country whose values include freedom and opportunity, should set a precedent in making sure everyone has a better life, but we know that is sometimes not the case, especially for newcomers. We believe immigrants and refugees arrive already disadvantaged and undermined due to the hardships of leaving their homeland and experiencing issues such as racism, discrimination, and marginalization in a new country. All immigrants and refugees deserve equitable opportunities to succeed and flourish socially and financially, but unfortunately are also often facing challenges for even basic necessities needed for survival, such as the burden of high medical costs and expensive housing. We will, therefore, prioritize nonprofits that assist with medical care and affordable housing so that they can focus more on the pursuit of happiness that we all deserve. We are passionate believers that immigrants and refugees benefit our society and help all of us become more diverse, leading to healthy, creative, innovative, and thriving communities. Immigrants are a vital part of our communities and we want our grants to make a positive, tangible, long-term impact on their lives.

MISSION STATEMENT 64: The CommuniCare students at Tualatin High School will be granting money to organizations focusing on mental health support for youth with a special focus on those facing poverty in the Portland Metro Area. According to the Oregon State University College of Health, “Oregon consistently ranks among the worst states in the nation in indicators of mental health. Youth mental and behavioral health ranks just as poorly; suicide is the second leading cause of death for young adults.” To combat this, we will focus on organizations that provide personalized and accessible mental health support for youth struggling with poverty throughout Washington and Clackamas counties. We believe the youth of our community should feel safe and supported, so we are choosing to work with organizations that provide safe and accessible mental health resources to youth no matter the cost.

MISSION STATEMENT 65: The CommuniCare students at Twality Middle School will be granting money to organizations who serve people experiencing homelessness by providing food and nutrition access or animal and pet care in the Portland Metro Area. We believe this is important because so many people have been displaced by COVID and the housing crisis, and they have been forced to take their pets and leave their homes. We hope to see shelters that provide housing for both people and their pets, as well as programs that provide food for pets and their humans. It is important that all people and animals are able to live comfortably.

MISSION STATEMENT 66: The CommuniCare students of Umatilla High School will be granting money to organizations providing services to people experiencing houselessness in or near the City of Umatilla, as well as organizations working to prevent houselessness. We firmly believe there needs to be more support for youth houselessness to allow them to break the cycle of poverty, gain stability, and build a brighter future for themselves. We will prioritize organizations that help youth experiencing houselessness in our community gain access to services including emergency shelter and other types of housing access initiatives. We would like to see a decrease in houselessness due to better outcomes from the organizations we select.

MISSION STATEMENT 67: The CommuniCare students at Warrenton High School will be granting money to organizations that serve survivors of domestic violence and people experiencing food and essentials insecurities in Clatsop County, Oregon. We believe these are large issues in our community and we see it directly everyday. We feel that people should have access to the food, essentials, and safety they need, and we will focus on organizations that provide the essentials and securities that our community lacks and deserves. We would like to see the people in our community receive the support they need and have a safe place to go.

MISSION STATEMENT 68: The CommuniCare students from Ida B. Wells High School’s Advanced Leadership Class will be granting money to organizations that focus on providing support to teens experiencing mental health issues in the Portland Metro Area. We believe there needs to be more direct mental health care for teens who lack access to therapy in our community. We will focus on organizations that provide immediate help — such as teen hotlines, low-income therapy options, and affordable treatment — to teenagers who are experiencing mental crises. We would like to see our peers have the resources and tools they need to thrive in increasingly challenging environments and systems.

MISSION STATEMENT 69: The Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School Leadership CommuniCare Group will support survivors of gun violence and pursue legislative change that reduces the number of public shootings. We want to grant money to nonprofits that support survivors of gun violence and provide mental health services for youth in Oregon. There needs to be more resources for people who have experienced or been around gun violence, like support groups, accessible therapy, financial aid, and planned community vigils. We’ll support organizations that work directly with the students and offer in-person support. Addressing and combating the issue of gun violence will create safer, understanding, and better communities. Our goal is to help prevent gun violence, and try to remedy the wounds already inflicted.

MISSION STATEMENT 70: The CommuniCare Club at Ida B. Wells High School is focusing on improving mental health in the City of Portland. We’re specifically focusing on mental health surrounding addiction and struggles that are present in LGBTQ+ communities. Mental health has been a prevalent topic in our community for a while now and we’d like to see people prioritize their mental health as well as reduce the stigma that surrounds it. Our funds will be put towards nonprofits who offer accessible mental health support services that include education, support programs, and healthy activities. With the money we raise, we hope to see a healthier community with a better understanding of mental health. We believe everybody should take care of themselves and that knowing how to care for their mental health is extremely important for our community.

MISSION STATEMENT 71: We, the members of Weston-McEwen CommuniCare, will prioritize funding applications to nonprofit organizations within the boundaries of the greater Athena-Weston School District that offer food security, clothing, and other necessities. Due to the many economic downturns, general prices have increased 18% in the last three years. However, wages have not grown to match these rising costs. A simple way to put it is that our priority is people. Our goal as a community, not only as a club, is to unite our community through optimism. We will consider applications from community nonprofit organizations that provide other services not listed, depending upon the quality of applications in the priority funding area. Growing up in a small community has shown us that being helpful is a crucial part of a community because it inspires others to take similar hopeful actions and helps us all aspire to be great.

MISSION STATEMENT 72: We, the AVID 12 students at Benson Polytechnic High School, will be granting money to organizations that provide services around gun violence and safety in Multnomah County. We believe our community is impacted by gun violence in many ways. We know Portland families and communities are suffering because the rate of deaths by guns has steadily increased during just our time in high school. We will focus on organizations that work to promote gun safety, prevent gun violence, and help individuals and families who have experienced the effects of gun violence – this can include, but is not limited to: gang-related homicide, domestic violence, and suicide. We would like to see increased safety in our community, and the rates of gun-related deaths decrease.

MISSION STATEMENT 73: We are Grant High School’s AVID 10 CommuniCare students (Period 1) and we are granting money to improve Oregon’s foster care system, with specialized focus on BIPOC people within the foster care system as well as those leaving it. We will grant our funds to organizations serving the greater Portland Metro Area that offer support to children and young adults both within and exiting the system to help them live happily and healthily. We will focus on organizations that offer this aid preferably through mentorship and specialized support groups, as well as organizations that help in the placement and security of children. We wish to support safer and more stable living environments for those within Oregon’s foster care system, including long-term stability with the help of mentors and organizations that will be able to guide these people through their time in the foster care system as well as those who are leaving it. We believe the foster care system has been failing children over and over again for years, and some children are moved repeatedly from home to home. We believe children and young adults deserve to be respected, seen, and supported.

MISSION STATEMENT 74: We, the students of AVID 10 Period 2 at Grant High School, will be granting money to organizations battling teen substance abuse and addiction, and through those services, houselessness. We acknowledge that addiction is one of the main causes of houselessness in the Portland Metro Area and we believe all people deserve the right to shelter and safety. We believe addiction is a problem starting young, and that helping youth with addiction treatment will help them become supported and stable when they grow up. We will focus on organizations that specialize in youth treatment and rehabilitation. We hope to positively impact the lives of teens suffering from addiction and give them a safer, brighter future.