Going through high school is a tough business - growing as a person, developing your interests and skills, and preparing for the future. It's a full dance card. So, what does it feel like to be part of the rising generation, especially in this political moment? Willamette Week asked a teen panel about their perspectives in their recent article, Growing up Trumped.

When asked how she stays hopeful, Northwest Academy sophomore Signe Migner replied, "I usually look at small things that I can personally work to improve. Like individual people I can help. For example, I'm in this club at school that works with the Schnitzer CARE Foundation, like fundraising to give grants to organizations. That's a fun thing that really gives me a lot of hope because I'm actually contributing to something."

Signe is right! There are a lot of things we can't change about the world, but giving back is something we can do. It feels really good to put your passion into action, whether you take the initiative on your own or participate in a collaborative program like Schnitzer Cares.

To read what our grantmakers are passionate about this year, check out their mission statements!

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